Just another Democrat playing games. Like the Governor of Kansas after the tornados last year. Finkbeiner just wants to make sure that he gets his money to get re-elected. Before you say that I qualify for a tin foil hat, step back and take a look at what's going on. I live in Western Pennsylvania. In the last year we have had several incidents like this. The JROTC was removed from a local school district. The clown on the School Board who pushed for it, just announced he's now a candidate for the State Legislature. Our County airport has been used for years to train an Air National Guard C-130 squadron, now the County Comissioners vote to not allow the training to continue. We have had a local Congressman arrange visits to the White House for a local Gold Star family, knowing that the White House has a policy of not allowing these visits unless the family member was killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Then when the White House cancels the visit he leaks the story to the local newspapers. All of these incidents have two things in common. The politician was a Democrat and there has been an influx of money to their campaigns or financial support has been made availible. Ads appear in newspapers, commercials show up on television and flyers show up in mailboxes.
Once is an abberation, twice a coincidence, more than that, something is going on.
Once is an abberation, twice a coincidence, more than that, something is going on.