Not a whole lot to update, I'm still waiting to fly the C-2 for the first time. In general my thoughts of the RAG to this point: As mentioned before the C-2 side of the house seems more relaxed (I will try to find the post you mentioned and see what I was refering to) but it is like anything else, some guys are relaxed and some guys aren't, so nothing really new as compared to other training command IP's except maybe your odds of flying with someone cool go up. More on flying later when I actually start doing it again.
Ground School:
More of the same....Computer based lectures(that are actually more in depth than NATOPS, and well put together) and a rehash of the same in lectures. Around a month in length. Better have Ch-4 in NATOPS memorized toward the end, as well as your EP's.
The good ol days of T-45 systems knowledge are gone. The expectations are way up. You will have to be able to draw several systems from memory, and have a crap ton of trivia memorized. The plane has some cool features you might not of heard of that help keep you interested (CAT Extend anyone?)
The Sim:
There is only one C-2 sim, no motion, and 60's style monitors for visuals.
You roll into CPT as usual after ground school. They just updated the sim visuals, pretty impressive. You can see the airpark when you are in the pattern at NGU (think planes on a stick), alot of buildings are actually 3D, and they can put airforce 1 in the pattern with you. So all in all a bunch of useless crap that dosen't train you any better, but it does look cool. Think HD quality as seen on a TV set from 1962...still looks good but it would be incredible with some new monitors.
Sim Instructors:
I have flown with all of them, and I gotta tell you, they are all good guys/gals. There is Lenny, Spada, Dudash, Potts and Hurowitz(sp?). PM me for specifics.
As for the 8 Blade flying characteristics, some things I have heard IP's talking about:
1. The plane is a lot cleaner, less drag, more difficulty in the pattern working off that high and fast.
2. Decouples are becoming more common (not sure how many, but more than the typical 'Ummm never' answer that was the company line with the 4 blade)
3. Listening to one IP come back from 3+ years away from the E-2, during his CQ on the TR, he had heard rumors before he came back to the RAG that the power addition required to navigate the burble was a lot lower on the 8 blades. After his first period he assured me that particular rumor was a load of Shite, as it still required a fistful of power.
Edit: I went looking for that post you mentioned and could not find anything like that....If you come across it PM it to me and I'll try and clarify. Or you might just have mistakenly thought I posted something like that. Not sure. I guess it dosent really matter either way.

Enjoy St. Patty's Day.