250 vinyl B&W 4.25" ovals is $30.00
Where is that easy button?
"That was easy."
What company did you look into for the stickers? I've used Maverick Label in the past, and while it's a good company - I'd advise against them. They were good because they were willing to bend over backwards while I was on deployment to get them done and shipped to me in time for our homecoming. However, they don't guarantee their stickers for outdoor use, and they're glossy not matte.
Also, how much was a 4 color sticker? The design I had was 4 colors, and I would imagine that the MINIMUM we'd want would be 2 color (so we can get the gold for the wings).
As for the whole "not having wings, because we don't want to jinx ourselves/didn't earn it." As John pointed out - you're not being a poser. The idea behind the wings (as well as my design) was to identify the WEBSITE, and the banner has wings. The core base of this website is Navy/Marine Corps aviation... Hence, the wings & colors (Blue/Green). I don't think that the sticker should NOT include wings. Maybe sometime in the future, once we figure out just how much it's going to cost/how many to order - but until that time (and so as to not dig anyone on here into a money pit) I say stick with a design with wings.