Great idea, I would love to have some and zap them around the world, just to get a chuckle out of it. I like the idea of not having .com, just something that if you know what it means, then so be it. I don't particularly care to use it as an advertisement, I think the site does just fine by word of mouth.
Gotta have wings on em, I understand what the SNAs and SNFOs are saying, but its a sticker, not like you are a poser or anything.
I like the direction Schnugg is going in, the oval and subdued.
Don't we have some shit hot graphics ppl out there? Definitely post some different products and have a poll.
I don't care to make any profit off of it, the donations have been great this year along with the google adverts.
I know there are some good sticker websites out there, that would allow ppl to purchase them, that way you don't have one person buying a big order, and having to mail out to everyone that wants them.
Oh well, just some of my thoughts, I am in on it, and can either help with the startup costs, or will purchase in the first batch. Then I am going to zap them everywhere, especially AF aircrew buses.
Clip me on an PMs talking about it, so to keep me in the loop.