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Airwarriors Stickers?

AW sticker designs presented, which do you like the best?

  • Schnugg's White

    Votes: 15 22.7%
  • Phrogpilot's Original White

    Votes: 35 53.0%
  • SBpilot's Window Sticker

    Votes: 16 24.2%
  • Plain with NA/NFO wings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plain with all three wings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Phrog's with all three wings

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Jobu needs a refill!
I just ordered 100 embroidered 4 inch patches for my command. 2 weeks order to door. $3.20 cost/per.
I do this crap at every command I'm with, crew t-shirts, ballcaps, "entertainment", so I'm in with a dead electrician as an "investment capitalist"...


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I'll take an 8' wide sticker for the back of the Puma.

Free rolling advertisement.

.....maybe one for the backside of the Manatee...so two in 8' size then?

Kidding aside, you can have more than one design and then set up with Cafe Press to handle fulfillment. That way you can get bumper stickers. zaps, t-shirts, notebooks, temp tattoos, etc. (if you are so inclined). See this example of one design on many different items.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Great idea, I would love to have some and zap them around the world, just to get a chuckle out of it. I like the idea of not having .com, just something that if you know what it means, then so be it. I don't particularly care to use it as an advertisement, I think the site does just fine by word of mouth.

Gotta have wings on em, I understand what the SNAs and SNFOs are saying, but its a sticker, not like you are a poser or anything.

I like the direction Schnugg is going in, the oval and subdued.

Don't we have some shit hot graphics ppl out there? Definitely post some different products and have a poll.

I don't care to make any profit off of it, the donations have been great this year along with the google adverts.

I know there are some good sticker websites out there, that would allow ppl to purchase them, that way you don't have one person buying a big order, and having to mail out to everyone that wants them.

Oh well, just some of my thoughts, I am in on it, and can either help with the startup costs, or will purchase in the first batch. Then I am going to zap them everywhere, especially AF aircrew buses.

Clip me on an PMs talking about it, so to keep me in the loop.


How do I upload a picture that's saved as a document?
Never mind, I think I figured it out. Here's something I threw together on Paint. I'm sure I could make a nice clean one if anyone likes the design.
(click to view full size)


AEDO livin’ the dream
I've got a friend who's pretty decent with graphics--I'll talk to him and see what he can come up with.

I like the KISS concept with wings, but I was thinking it might be cool if it looked like a squadron patch somehow--it'd make it even more cryptic if it was made that way. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
What about something along the lines of the oval with "AW", then under it instead of the website - a quote: "It's not all choker whites & dining outs" but small enough that you can only read it up close...


is out to lunch.
What about something along the lines of the oval with "AW", then under it instead of the website - a quote: "It's not all choke whites & dining outs" but small enough that you can only read it up close...

I like that idea. And if you guys want wings... instead of having the gold wings... maybe a ghost-like silhouette of wings on the subdued one?
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