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The Great Growler Gallery


Still learning how much I don't know.
From my understanding, the bomb dropping will be in an EA role... i.e. reach out and touch stuff that the HARM can't. As far as air to air stuff, it'll be taught, but as a self protect role. Not so much a "go out a schwack a few MiGs" deal.

What target are you thinking about for an EA that a bomb can reach that a HARM can't?


Super Moderator
What target are you thinking about for an EA that a bomb can reach that a HARM can't?

There are a few systems that can reach out and touch pretty far, details can be left for SIPRNET. Not only that, bombs can get a hard kill.


Still learning how much I don't know.
Fine, I retract my previous questions under the grounds of stupidity.


I Can Has Leadership!
There are a few systems that can reach out and touch pretty far, details can be left for SIPRNET. Not only that, bombs can get a hard kill.

What Flash said. You'll understand after the first time we plan your HARM stuff.


Still learning how much I don't know.
What Flash said. You'll understand after the first time we plan your HARM stuff.

I've had a HARM intro (which really just taught me to have the prowler bubba's answer all my questions when I have them), but I just couldn't think outside the box. But anyway.


Super Moderator
I've had a HARM intro (which really just taught me to have the prowler bubba's answer all my questions when I have them), but I just couldn't think outside the box. But anyway.

Good advice! :D

When you learn more about some of the more sophisticated systems out there that we could go up against, you will understand much better. While it is a decent system, the HARM is not the be all, end all when it comes to SEAD. One tool of many to get the job done.

Single Seat

Average member
When they go to transition 132 in January of 2009, how much of the syllabus will be jamming and traditional VAQ stuff and how much will it be BFM and dropping bombs?

I suspect very little. The jet has way too much shit hanging on it to be any good against even a mildly proficient pilot of a CAT 3 fighter. You'd have to ring the doorbell to even have a chance. Class A anyone? Based on what we saw at the boat, I suspect they're going to have enough BFM experience with the ball... again, so much stuff hanging off that jet the Pax river dudes were providing some wild entertainment behind the boat. We're talking experienced guys too. The fear from the paddles I talked too is going to be the nugget behind the boat on a hot/humid Persian Gulf night. Based on LSO discussion, wasn't on the platform first hand.


Professional Pot Stirrer
Gotta agree with Single Seat.. That airplane is gonna be worth to much cash for them to just give you the keys.. Wouldn't be suprised if they dialed down lots of the limitations as well.. Except for last ditch efforts and such but then again, there are no limitations w/ real last ditch attempts..


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Gotta agree with Single Seat.. That airplane is gonna be worth to much cash for them to just give you the keys.. Wouldn't be suprised if they dialed down lots of the limitations as well.. Except for last ditch efforts and such but then again, there are no limitations w/ real last ditch attempts..
I put that in my NATOPS brief. "G-limits for this hop are X, in extremis, we'll pull what we need to survive."


I Can Has Leadership!
Wouldn't be suprised if they dialed down lots of the limitations as well.. Except for last ditch efforts and such but then again, there are no limitations w/ real last ditch attempts..

Echo nittany about G limits.

As far as G/airspeed limits, (ignoring the fact that we are FLE limited), the Super Hornet airframe can give and take alot more than the Prowler.


Back from the range
Echo nittany about G limits.

As far as G/airspeed limits, (ignoring the fact that we are FLE limited), the Super Hornet airframe can give and take alot more than the Prowler.

Won't the airspeed limitation be the ALQ-99 RATS? Unless they changed it they were .86/525 kts IIRC


I Can Has Leadership!
Won't the airspeed limitation be the ALQ-99 RATS? Unless they changed it they were .86/525 kts IIRC

Yep.. the limit is still there. I thought my previous statement had something in there about airspeed and G being limited by the pods, but I guess I was typing in my dreams as well.

What I meant to say was that even though the Super Hornet airframe can go faster and sustain more G, the Growler's limitations are probably similar with stores due to the limits the pods have. I have not dug into a Growler NATOPS to confirm, nor do I plan to.