It's a GREAT speech, to be sure ... but fuck him. I know who he is & for the record: most airlines do not hire a 'majority' of single-seat jocks/drivers simply 'cause they are NOT in the 'majority' of the available aviation gene pool ... so that's bullshit right off the bat -- and he's lucky he got the job, FWIW. (He did say: 'no slack is given & none taken' ... did he not ???The Reserve Mafia just passed this around its circuit:
A great Change Of Command dinner speech by CDR "Beef" Wellington, former VFA-203 Blue Dolphins CO.

"On every trip when you first sit down next to a guy (that 'guy' would be the Captain, motherfucker) ... questions get asked about what flying the F-18 is like ... what this business of Naval Aviation is all about ... ??"This is also so much bullshit, I can hardly believe he said it. Airline pilots -- 95% at least -- are consummate pro's and they DO NOT shrink in the presence of an F'inA-18 driver w/ a big watch and a fragile ego (or even an A4/A6 driver

He also forgot to mention in his 'how great we art' narrative: rolling in & visual dive-bombing @ night through an undercast w/illumination only by para-flares ... definitely a 'special moment', primarily 'cause when you do it -- it's for the FIRST time. They don't teach it in the RAG ...
And, also for the record -- I've had just as many 'leadership/character building' moments in the airlines ... and MORE shitty approaches to mins ... and MORE aircraft mechanicals airborne than at any time in 20 years of Navy flyin' ...
You KNOW that I LOVE Naval Aviation in almost all cases ... but stuff like this really pisses me off. I fully realize his speech is meant to be a paean to Naval Aviation, but it's a botched job. While it salutes NAVAIR, it shows ZERO respect for his current crewmembers and his current lot in life -- a life AND a paycheck that he's fucking LUCKY to have, truth be told ... and that's a below average in headwork on my gradesheet. I'm sure his current crewmembers would be interested in knowing what 'high' regard he holds them in .... but in any case, anyone who's dripping w/ so much ego is NEVER gonna' stop tellin' 'guys' he was an F'inA-18 driver.
It's not possible. It's just not in him ... :icon_wink
'Sir Wellington' would NOT like flyin' in my cockpit. And if I asked him 'his experience' -- typical when you haven't flown w/ the guy -- if I later found out he'd lied to me -- he'd regret it. It would definitely be a 'reckoning' on his appreciation of an airline pilot's job ...
When I'm '90' and sittin' on the BEACH w/ a blond beach-babe in one hand & a Mai'tai' in the other (let others sit on the 'porch' in their rocking chair) ... I'm gonna' tell 'em that during my years of useful consciousness:
Believe it.

End of rant @ ego-trips ... I need a drink. I think I'll go make one .. or two ...