Back in the training command during a neutral ACM hop, I was taking a fight into a vertical merge. In the midst of the early turn, for some weird reason my control inputs didn't do anything anymore. That's when I bothered to check my airspeed, 80 knots and quickly disappearing. After pulling the power back to idle and radioing "ballistic", checked the airspeed indicator, no indicated airspeed (pegged at 50) and right at the ring of death attitude wise. Fortunately, the departure wasn't too bad and no engine stall (thank god, according to my classmate in the backseat of the other -45, I slid tail first for sec). As the nose fell past the 90 degree point, I watched the bandit shoot out under my nose. So hey, checked my gauges, all good, back to MRT and right onto the bandit. Like I planned it the entire time.
Then there was the roller with my wingman, the bandit, then me. That's was neat.
Sigh, yeah, ACM was good time. I shall miss it.