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It's old but it's in remarkable shape and fully functional....Anyone want to see my Johnson?

Judge Q

Judging You
You should know that there is no such thing as an assault Johnson. “Assault” Johnson’s are a made up thing to propogate a left wing socialist agenda. It’s the person, Not the Johnson committing the assault.

My Johnson is only for personal defense.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
^^^ Every time you watch that movie now you'll laugh inappropriately during that part.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
I took my Johnson out to the desert today and played with it.

Jim - M1941 Johnson (13).JPG

My Johnson's powerful load blew right through a steel plate and splattered big rocks into little pieces.

It's a lot more fun if someone else plays with your Johnson so I invited @HackerF15E along. He found that playing with my Johnson while sitting was quite handy and enjoyable.

Randall Haskins - M1941 Johnson (3).JPG

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
My Johnson is equally happy with either palm holding it's hard wood.

Also I forgot to mention that my Johnson had a dryness issue and it was very stiff working it's bolt. Unfortunately we forgot to bring lube but a couple of drops from the tip of the dipstick moistened it right up and made it slide back and forth smoothly.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
If Judge Kavanaugh has a Johnson, it don’t think he’ll be taking it out I public anymore.