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Random Griz Aviation Musings


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
So not having ever flown a FD equipped aircraft - what’s the goodness that you get from it - over good ol’ Raw data ?

I have no idea. Hence my comment of only flying needles...as in IND-350 type needles.

That said, I'm starting the process to having a FD via a G5 in <insert number of months>. But to be honest, what little I've seen on the G5 setup, I'm not sure I'm all that excited about it. It just seems like yet another display item to get in the way with an already compact display.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Sorry @wink we had another nice morning here. I was up by 7:30 and basically drilled holes in the sky, chased a train, and a few nice boats.

The Great Sky Destroyer...or Pax River...is somewhere over there across the Potomac.

Nice day for House Hunting by Air!


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Used to chase trains running through the desert roughly along I-8. Out there where it is flat and strait they were almost as fast as my 65 hp Luscombe. My favorite drill was to attack with my shadow. The idea was to cross my shadow directly in front of the engine until the crew noticed and hung out the windows to wave. On a couple occasions they were enthusiastic enough I came up long side the engine cab at 50 feet or so and... well...whatever the legal lateral spacing is. ? They dug it.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Beautiful morning for some touch and goes at KRMN and then a jaunt around Virginia. Lots of restricted airspace was open today so I got a nice look at the, now sadly closed, Naval Auxiliary Field at Dalghren. Bad photo, but there is an F-14, F-18, and a few other aircraft down there (just above the building with the green roof).



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Might as well ask here...

Anyone have a good recommendation for a CFII in the Jax area? I need an IPC, and unless Jim or Chuck are going to fly over here, I'm subjugated to Gen Pop.

I was contemplating just sucking it up and renting a 172 with a near-like config of what I'm supposed to have in a few months (2x G5 and 650), but then there's dealing with renter's insurance. Plus, having to experience life in a 172. I suppose herpes is worse, but only barely.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Might as well ask here...

Anyone have a good recommendation for a CFII in the Jax area? I need an IPC, and unless Jim or Chuck are going to fly over here, I'm subjugated to Gen Pop.

I was contemplating just sucking it up and renting a 172 with a near-like config of what I'm supposed to have in a few months (2x G5 and 650), but then there's dealing with renter's insurance. Plus, having to experience life in a 172. I suppose herpes is worse, but only barely.
NAS JAX still, well at least a year ago, has an active flying club. Perhaps they have an aircraft to fit you needs.

If not, @ChuckMK23 needs to gas up and get flying.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
NAS JAX still, well at least a year ago, has an active flying club. Perhaps they have an aircraft to fit you needs.

If not, @ChuckMK23 needs to gas up and get flying.

The flying club requires (or at least required) an induction fee. I'm pretty sure I would need that since I think I left as a member in "not good standing" 10 years ago.

I still haven't got my mil comp CFI/II.




DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998


(There oughtta be a Godwin's Law about Airplane! I'd be guilty of it all the time.)


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Slightly bumpy flight up to KCBE, Greater Cumberland Regional, for the best airport breakfast I have ever had. No in-flight pics as I was too busy bouncing over the mountains. This is within easy reach for @ChuckMK23 and he can even get @mad dog to do some cockpit management to make the trip easier. You can taxi right up to the restaurant as well.



Standing by for the RIF !
Wrapped up a fantastic few days at EAA Oshkosh! A few quick pics. I flew the C182 on a single leg I68 to KOSH and return. What a champ of an aircraft. 4.5 hours of fuel, 3 adult males, camping gear, beer, food. Pretty close to our MGTOW of 3100#. 140 KTAS at 70% power and 13.5 GPH

First pic is entry south of Ripon at Green Lake. You enter the flow .5 miles in trail of another aircraft, 90 KIAS, 800' AGL. Fun times. Head on a swivel, landing light on, Linda Blair impersonation.


First video is yours truly flying the RWY 27L visual to the Orange Dot. Tower directed a 180 short approach "Navy style" - freaked out my other crew mates since they never executed anything than a squared off pattern with 1 mile final. The controllers at OSH expect you to have full command of your aircraft - landings and departures every 20-30 seconds. Although the stall horn is on intermittently, the aircraft is in balanced flight and stable - it has a very conservative stall warning.

The camp site :


Yours truly about to get some demo time in a Husky:


Coffee tent side:


Small sample. USAF was everywhere with static displays and flight demos: T-6, A-10, F-35, T-38, F-16, etc.

Very small Navy/Marine footprint. Nice flight demo of T-45's and a T-2 Buckeye of all things (Pax?) No Navy helos that's for sure.

If you haven't had the chance to go - please do. Epic.

CM23 out!
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