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  1. K

    05MAY2025 SNA/SNFO Board

    Figured Id go ahead and start this since its what most of us are waiting on anyways.
  2. M


    Hello, I am an upcoming 1/C with service selection happening in September. I have taken my ASTB 2 times and took about 8 months from try 1 to try 2 to study. I did all the forums, the apps I could find, even bought a stick and throttle. My scores are 4/5/5 and I was shocked considering I felt...
  3. N

    NFO odds?

    Hello all! I’m a NROTC 1/C and I have been super nervous lately about service selection. I put NFO as my first choice with a 6,6,7 ASTB and 2.85 GPA in a tier three major. My actual gpa is higher but it wasn’t updated in time to submit my package. Other than that my PT is good and I passed my...
  4. Average Monke

    31July2023 SNA/SNFO Board

  5. E

    USN Need Dual Processing Advice. Any info about AVO? NFO shipdates & requirements?

    Hi, I'm currently a college senior, expected to graduate this May. I started talking to an officer recruiter to start the process and took the OAR/ASTB for the first time. For Officer jobs, I'm mainly interested in being an NFO. I don't think I meet the eyesight/height requirement for Aviator...
  6. R

    Marine Corps NFO??

    Hey guys, I recently got my duty orders for NAMI, and I have a quick question. The document says, "I fully acknowledge my duties as a Naval Flight Officer Candidate in the Marine Officer Program.". I am planning on commissioning as an SNA, not NFO. I thought the NFO role in the Marine Corps had...
  7. R

    Marine Corps NFO...?

    Hey guys, I recently got my duty orders for NAMI, and I have a quick question. The document says, "I fully acknowledge my duties as a Naval Flight Officer Candidate in the Marine Officer Program.". I am planning on commissioning as an SNA, not NFO. I thought the NFO role in the Marine Corps...
  8. F

    Failed DP at MEPs. Options to retake, or do I switch paths?

    I went through MEPS today. Everything else besides my DP was stellar. I've been dreaming of flying for the Marine Corps for a while (two marine aviators in my family), but after my failed DP, I'm at a crossroads. I've seen a bunch of information on here about how getting a civilian waiver is no...
  9. W

    Outside of flying, what responsibilities do NFOs/pilots have?

    I've been reading some threads to learn more about what they do and someone gave some examples, although the thread was really old. "Legal Officer, AIO, AIS, CSD, Line Officer, Power Plants Officer, Strike Officer, Tactics Officer, Pubs Officer, Hosting Officer, ESO." So on top of being a...
  10. K

    Odds of getting selected for SNA or SNFO? I am putting in for both.

    Background: (26 years old) -ASTB Score 50 566 -7+ years in the Airforce National Guard as an Aircraft Mechanic. -NCO (E5) -Airman of the quarter -"Top Performer" in my Field -BS in Criminal Justice (3.67 GPA) -Private Pilot License with 59.9 hours of flight time -LORs: O5 (Current Commander), O5...
  11. WannaFlyHigh

    Life of a Naval Aviator, how you manage work and personal life.

    So I did a lot of research on this topic via google and searching threads on AW but found a lot of the stuff is outdated or talked briefly in random threads. No body has really spoke up on this in recent years (Post 2015) so I would like hear from some of the recent (or not) people who have...
  12. L

    ASTB Scores

    Hello all, relatively new to this site so it was a bit of a hassle to try and figure out how to post. However, I wanted to make a post concerning my ASTB scores. I have taken them twice already and my scores came out to be a 42, 3/4/4. I have read a lot about having your AQR, PFAR and FOFAR...
  13. N

    March 2021 - New ASTB Score Requirements

    Moderator, request a sticky on this one. New ASTB Score Requirements as of March 2021 Academic Qualification Rating (AQR): 4 Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating (PFAR): 5 Flight Officer Flight Aptitude Rating (FOFAR): 5 Fly Navy! Good luck!
  14. Mouselovr

    Reapplication process

    Hi! I'm currently applying SNA for the January boards. ASTB 6/7/7 GPA 3.76 My recruiter is pushing me hard to apply for NFO as she's been told they've essentially filled their pilot quota for the year due to COVID issues. I'm only interested in SNA, and I'm more than happy to wait to attend OCS...
  15. H

    USN SNFO/SNA re-des pre-commissioning

    NROTC MIDN just got a SNFO slot. Put NFO second to SNA. Obviously very happy to not be a SWO but I had my heart set on pilot so there's definitely some disappointment. Wondering if anyone has experience or knows the chances on redesignating before commissioning. I figure there may be some way to...
  16. D

    26Jun20 SNA/NFO Board

    I have been searching, and it looks like there's not one yet for the board in June, which I will be on. Looking forward to discussing our worries and anxiety :)). Good luck, all!
  17. M

    October 19 PA (Age Waiver)

    Hello all, I just read the October 2019 PA for NFO and it looks as if the age req. has changed to 32. It mentions a waiver in section 5 but does not mention age waiver specifically. I am a active duty E-6, 33 years old. Has anyone seen further guidance on an age waiver or able to tell me where...
  18. T

    OCS A Question about Pay and My Situation (NFO Related)

    Hey guys I've been a lurker for quite some time but today I figured I would finally post something myself. I'll start this post by saying I'm going to be frank about a lot of numbers. This is going to be a relatively lengthy post where I explain pretty much everything about my situation and ask...
  19. S

    FY20 Oct. 28, 2019 SNA/NFO Board

    Hey folks, FY20 dates just were released within the past few days so I figured it made sense to make a thread and spreadsheet for this board. Drop your information in the thread and I'll get it added to the spreadsheet. Good luck! Fly Navy! Board Date: 20191028 Package Due Date: 20190927...
  20. socalsomeday

    05FEB19 SNA Board

    Hello all! I am starting a thread for all who are applying to the 05FEB19 SNA board because I did not find one already made. Please be sure to add yourself to the googledoc below so we can track who is selected. Good luck everyone...
  21. socalsomeday

    Path to becoming a pilot

    This is my first post here so please bare with me. I am aiming to commission through OCS as a pilot. I took the ASTB yesterday (59 6/5/7). My recruiter said that, unfortunately, the mimimums for SNA were recently upped and I am one point short (6/6/X). Since this was my second ASTB, he...
  22. M

    Pilot/NFO Board FY 19- Oct. 2, 2018

    Hello all, I am starting this thread for the Pilot/NFO board that will be taking place Oct. 2, 2018. This will be the first board for FY-19. I will post my stats below and welcome others to do the same, maybe we can get someone to start an excel sheet. Anyways, feel free to post questions...
  23. D


    ALCON, Below is a link to the Navy Recruiting Command's portal site; CAC Card required. Please make sure you select your "DOD EMAIL" certificate to gain access. https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/nrc/n3/n31/SitePages/Home.aspx It is updated weekly and will help you stay up to date on any...
  24. D


    ALCON, Per Mr. Ted Williams, attached is the latest and greatest checklist. Apparently they have been submitting updates to NPC for the past 2 years but their inputs/requests have fallen on def ears. V/r, YNX(AW)
  25. StephenCanDo

    OCS Advice and Expectation

    I plan on applying for NFO position and have the following pros and cons Pros: Significant Extra-curriculars in academic programs, non-profits and Community Service projects. Strong work experience on resume at a Law Firm and local college as a Speech and Debate Coach. Athletic and exercise...
  26. C

    At OCS, got NPQ'd

    Hello all, I was part of class 10-18, (Feb 4, 2018) and went through a few days before I had a meeting with the flight surgeon. Pretty much I was NPQ'd for having 1.75 astigmatism, when 1.00 was the max standard. I remember I asked the eye doc at MEPS if my astigastigm was within standards and...
  27. newchefman

    Questions about commissioning as Naval Flight Officer

    Howdy, I am currently a junior in college right now majoring in Computer Science with a 4.0 GPA. I am currently working with recruiter right now to go through the NUPOC pipeline as it is something that I am interested in. I will be going to the NVIP trip pretty soon and I feel as though that...
  28. Kevin leslie

    Questions about >PLC (Aviation Contract)

    Good afternoon, My name is Kevin Leslie I am fresh out of highschool and taking my first collage courses at a community collage before I transfer to Massachusetts Maritime Academy, (IACBE: Bachelor of Science in International Maritime Business.) I had a uncle who was a NFO in the ea-6b...
  29. androgino

    Service Assignment 2017

    So my XO says that service assignments should be coming out earlier this year. Last year they came out on October 12th, and that was supposedly "late". Does anyone have an update? I'm so anxious.
  30. A

    OCS Preparation

    Hey all! I am expecting to ship out to OCS (Navy) within the next few weeks and I want to know what knowledge I need to know prior to getting there. Any and all suggestions are appreciated!
  31. Derringer

    NFO process and qualifications

    Hi everyone, I have read several threads here over the last year or so. I just today set up an account to ask for some input from you all. It would be really great to hear from those with particularly recent experience with becoming a USMC NFO. Of course, any advice and info would help...
  32. Demi Durkin

    NPQ After Swearing in/before OCS

    Hi All, I am an OCS applicant who has already completed her flight physical. I am waiting for a determination on a waiver; however, I've been told by my flight surgeon that it could take up to 10 months. I should have a PRO REC Y at minimum before then, if not a FINSEL. My recruiter told me...
  33. Demi Durkin

    Submitting Unlisted Previous Medical Issue To NAMI...?

    Hi everyone. First let me say, I have searched the form and have not seen something addressing this question. Additionally, I have asked my recruiter and also the flight surgeon I saw and haven't gotten a direct or concise answer. Thanks for taking the time to read. I am an SNFO OCS applicant...
  34. H

    Some USMC NFO Questions- Advice Appreciated

    I've been lurking on this forum pretty heavily for the past month or so and I was wondering if I could get some input from some of the more experienced posters. Some Background: I'm a soon to be 1/C at the Naval Academy and am rapidly approaching the time when I need to put in my preferences...
  35. Ryan92Dallas

    Selection parameters

    Currently studying for the ASTB. My ASVAB scores are 76 and a 109 GT score. I recently took an OAR practice test without studying and got a 58. My GPA is 3.0, good shape and I have been in the Army for the past 7 years, no moral or legal issues, graduating next term. What are my chances for...
  36. C

    USN Looking for insight on my current situation

    Hello, I'm currently in active pursuit for a career in the Navy and am looking for insight on my current situation. I recently was denied by the two boards I applied for (Supply Corps and Aviation-NFO). I took the ASTB-E and received a 47, 4/4/5 and I realize my scores were not too impressive...
  37. Justin Dowd

    23 JAN 17 Pilot/NFO Board

    Hey Guys! Well the time has come. I have been on here for 2 years and now I finally get to apply for OCS. This board is the one I am going to apply for and if I cannot make it then I am going for the April board. My degree doesn't confer until Dec 31st. I was hoping to get to know some people...
  38. Justin Dowd

    10 March 2017 Pilot/NFO Board

    Hey Guys! Well the time has come. I have been on here for 2 years and now I finally get to apply for OCS. The 10 March 2017 board is the one I am going to apply for and was hoping to get to know some people that are applying for this board. I applied for STA- 21 in 2015 and I am sure I have met...
  39. M

    Navy Commission after AF Palace Chase

    Good day all! I was active duty in the Air Force for 4 years. I initially signed a 6 year contract. I was able to get out early under a program called Palace Chase (PC). This program allows you to switch from active duty and join a Guard or Reserve unit at double the time remaining on your...
  40. E

    USN Choosing job after NROTC

    Hello Air Warriors, My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year of high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through the NROTC program. My question is, how are jobs chosen after NROTC? Do you get whatever job you want if you are qualified for it, is it assigned...
  41. E

    USN Headache Waiver for Navy NFO

    Hello Air Warriors, My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year in high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through an NROTC program. I think that I can pass all aspects of the flight physical except that there may be a problem with one thing...a few years ago I...
  42. E

    USN Questions about becoming a Navy NFO through NROTC

    Hello Air Warriors, My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year of high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through the NROTC program. I would like to be a pilot, but unfortunately for me my distance vision isn't that great, and I hear that it is usually better...
  43. W

    NFO ASTB and GPA

    Hey all, I'm a rising senior in NRTOC at a Big Ten school with a 2.9 GPA in a tier 2 major with a 54 7/6/7 on the ASTB-E. I'm trying to go NFO and have been searching through various forums and haven't found many recent ASTB scores and GPAs that got people into flight school. I understand...
  44. S

    LASIK, Naval Vision requirements, MEPS, and Eligibility

    I had a conversation recently with my recruiter. He decided to look into vision requirements for unrestricted line officers after I informed him that I was open to seeking a commission as a SWO. I already took the ASTB-E (and have fairly competitive scores with my GPA), plan on going to MEPS, am...
  45. Hair Warrior

    Sweet 360 degree video from F/A-18 cockpit

    Click this link on your phone (w/ accelerometer), and tilt it around during the video: Apologies if it's been posted here before. I searched but couldn't find it.
  46. De Pol Watches

    NEWS Tailhook Watch

    For anyone interested in a great time piece that is functional and looks amazing please check us out! Built in USA with a Swiss movement, so you have the best combination of precision and craftsmanship. WWW.DEPOLWATCHES.COM. We currently have 2 models, the Tailhook and LSO. 20% off everyday to...