You're crossing a lot of different streams here to the point of incoherence.
That's not really how it goes or why the A-10 is still around, there was a lot of political and emotional pull for it to keep flying and it didn't help the F-35 was/is years behind schedule. But hey.....brrrrrrrrrt.
I'm not sure what 'getting a qual for' the MQ-8 means but cryppies or intel folks likely shouldn't be running air assets, qual or not, it is best left in the hands of the professionals who get input from those who want the information (Intel, cryppies, whoever) off the platforms.
Example: Every time the USAF threatens to retire the A-10, the Army says “Great, now chop all those pilots and maintainers over to us, and we’ll take over that mission.” USAF then balks and keeps the status quo because they don’t want to lose the mission, money, or people. But they’ve tried to divest that platform more than once.
That's not really how it goes or why the A-10 is still around, there was a lot of political and emotional pull for it to keep flying and it didn't help the F-35 was/is years behind schedule. But hey.....brrrrrrrrrt.

With regard to Fire Scout, I know of at least one 1830 who is getting the qual for it...And more billets afloat w/ Fire Scouts would become open to non-1310s with the right qual.
I'm not sure what 'getting a qual for' the MQ-8 means but cryppies or intel folks likely shouldn't be running air assets, qual or not, it is best left in the hands of the professionals who get input from those who want the information (Intel, cryppies, whoever) off the platforms.
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