@Dirty Diana We are in this together."
I was hoping by leading of with a haha that you guys wouldn't think I was butt hurt. Raised in a Marine Corps family lesson one was was shit happens, don't complain, deal with it. My favorite thing about OCS is that we all already have our jobs and the only time we would compete would be the three PRTs. I can barley pushup but I'm a decent runner, if someone wants to run 7:00-7:30 for the mile and a half I'll lay the hammer down with them, then run back and help encourage you old guys.
My take on OCS is that it's our class vs. the candios, our class and the candios vs. the instructors, and all of us officer candidates and the instructors vs. the course and that's easy, we just have to run out the clock. I did some time (3.5 long years) in AFROTC and the sheer amount of bull shit motivation where you pretend to care about your classmates to stand out and get ranked higher by people who don't know what signing up for the military, especially and officer entails was painful, but luckily as you said OCS is not structured that way. My job is to get my side of the room squared away, then jump over the line and help my roommate, then we bust out and go to other classmates rooms until we are all ready to kick ass. I like teams. Teams make everything easier.
Less than a month away I'm getting pumped evidenced by my long rant. I'm ready to get some, start getting yelled at, and doing some yelling: "do work", "can do will do", "whatever it takes", one team one fight" all that jazz lol Been waiting too long