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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


Pro-Rec SNA
Are those background interviews y’all are talking about an active duty thing? I’m prior airforce and had some security clearances but haven’t been told about another interview from my recruiter or processor...

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
Are those background interviews y’all are talking about an active duty thing? I’m prior airforce and had some security clearances but haven’t been told about another interview from my recruiter or processor...
I'm in the same boat, no phone call for me like others have received. The phone call is not just for AD as well, civilians get called too.
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Well-Known Member
Just checking back in here. I have not heard any change from starting ROM in RI on May 15th, 2021, and Starting OCS on May 30th, 2021. Nonprior service here.

I'll be honest, the physical portion doesn't concern me at all in my current state, however, I am a bit concerned about the amount of text memorization. Obviously, they want you to succeed and thousands before me and after me will do it, however, the verbatim text memorization is probably my least strong suit. I am better at memorizing the practical and applied knowledge, (steps of exiting a plane, quick arithmetic to calculate something, requirements to meet a satisfactory check). Anyone here has insight into the best way to approach the large text and recite it upon request. Is it better to remember the introduction perfectly or the message as a whole? What is considered acceptable from the RDC's? This bravo knowledge isn't being retained as well as I would like and It may be from not having to remember that while being pushed haha, however just seeking advice.


SNA Pro-Rec Y
Just checking back in here. I have not heard any change from starting ROM in RI on May 15th, 2021, and Starting OCS on May 30th, 2021. Nonprior service here.

I'll be honest, the physical portion doesn't concern me at all in my current state, however, I am a bit concerned about the amount of text memorization. Obviously, they want you to succeed and thousands before me and after me will do it, however, the verbatim text memorization is probably my least strong suit. I am better at memorizing the practical and applied knowledge, (steps of exiting a plane, quick arithmetic to calculate something, requirements to meet a satisfactory check). Anyone here has insight into the best way to approach the large text and recite it upon request. Is it better to remember the introduction perfectly or the message as a whole? What is considered acceptable from the RDC's? This bravo knowledge isn't being retained as well as I would like and It may be from not having to remember that while being pushed haha, however just seeking advice.

Hey mate, if you got time, buy a book called "Moonwalking with Einstein" by Joshua Foer. It's a book that documents how memorization champions can visualize long text, a whole deck of cards, and a bunch of other things.

To sum up their trick when memorizing long text is to create a mind palace/room where you put images or things that can trigger your memories of the subject (the palace can be your apartment/house/middle school building, it just has to be a place where you remember the layout). To start, read out loud slowly each sentence of the text 3 times, then close your eyes and try to place an image/ object that correlates to the sentences in your mind palace so when you want to remember just visualize walking through there, and by seeing the image your memory can trigger an instant connection to the sentence you just placed in your head. And when practicing it, close your eyes and walk through the palace and repeat it out slowly, speed and efficiency will come in due time for now you gotta just keep reviewing every 2 or 3 days (avg time of practice before it can be ingrained in long-term memories)

Keep in mind, this still requires practices on your side, this trick only makes it easier to retrieve memories, you gotta be the one to try to imprint it into your head.

Also, the brain remembers things better if they are sexual, bizarre, or outright disturbing (for example: to remember the code of conduct, I have pornstars in sailor uniform in my apartment doing...things), so try to have images or things that can fit one if not all of those criteria, no one can judge ya if they cant see what goes on in your brain ;) Be creative with the image!
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Well-Known Member
Quick question for any active duty still waiting on orders. Has anyone recently checked their BOL and found that their selection results are no longer appearing?


Well-Known Member
Before I start my master list, I know the list is online and I have watched several videos on things to bring but has anyone already gotten a list of everything they need (including clip board, phone cards, etc.)?