SWO Applicant
Did you get SWO crypto or is that a different board?Civilian, GPA: 3.2 (w/ masters degree), OAR: 54. SWO with crypto option was my first choice. SWO was second.
Did you get SWO crypto or is that a different board?Civilian, GPA: 3.2 (w/ masters degree), OAR: 54. SWO with crypto option was my first choice. SWO was second.
My recruiter told me that the crypto board was shut down for this date. I was selected for SWO only.Did you get SWO crypto or is that a different board?
The results are sent to the recruiting districts at the same time it is up to the recruiting districts to distribute the info to the recruiters, not all of them are quick on distributing info.How does this rollout even work? Do they not have a master list of people they accepted? Different regions are getting their news at different times.
thank you. SWO was the only one I applied to.Hey congrats man!!! Was SWO your first option? What are your stats?
I’m curious about this too. I wonder if there’s a way to request an earlier date if possibleWhat is the probability of getting an early ship date? I put April but got September. That’s too far out.
Yes, I am in Guam. Thank you!You also west coast? Congrats!
Sir, what about active duty? Does it still follow the recruiting districts?The results are sent to the recruiting districts at the same time it is up to the recruiting districts to distribute the info to the recruiters, not all of them are quick on distributing info.
Your COC will be emailed and they will let you know.Sir, what about active duty? Does it still follow the recruiting districts?
If a non select it would be via BOL.Do you still get notified if you didn’t make it or just wait until BOL updates?
Do you still get notified if you didn’t make it or just wait until BOL updates?
I’ll give you my personal experience with it so far. November supply board, non-select, BOL updated a week after results were released. January AMDO board, non-select, it’s been two months and BOL still hasn’t updated. I’m currently waiting on Supply results and I’m assuming they will update BOL a week after again.If a non select it would be via BOL.
Were you able to get the list?I talked to my recruiter and they didn't hear anything or get an email about the SWO accepted list. I'll give them a call by the end of today if I haven't heard back from them, but it just seems weird to me that everybody is finding out at different times.
Hey man, congrats!! What are your stats?I’m in Michigan and got the green light yesterday. No date yet but assuming May 4th.