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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Well-Known Member
I don't know but I've now heard it from4 different people (2 are high ranking offficers)

This is the rumor that happens all the time, the numbers from year to year do change as OCS makes up for what shortfalls NROTC and USNA have but it is minimal given the overall number. The also go down if needed due to numbers from NROTC and USNA


New Member
So I just took the ASTB today and was totally blown away by how prepared I was. I feel I owe it to the guys on this site whose posts I silently scoured to find study materials and tips. I scored a 59 8/9/9 and couldn't be more excited. Thank you all who unknowingly helped give an army infantry officer an opportunity to serve in a totally new career field!

Ryan Ensor

Active Member
Why is the Navy in such need for Pilots?
hey this is what ive been using to study. pretty much everything that can be found in this forum


  • ASTB additional study material.pdf
    630 KB · Views: 512
  • astb study guide.pdf
    433.5 KB · Views: 429
  • ASTB UAV Answers.pdf
    26 KB · Views: 311
  • ASTB UAV.pdf
    424.3 KB · Views: 331
  • ASTB_gouge.pdf
    474.9 KB · Views: 463
  • ASTB_Personal_Study_Guide.pdf
    298.6 KB · Views: 363
  • ASTBmechanical.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 471
  • barron-prac-astb-test.pdf
    7.4 MB · Views: 412
  • mastermilitaryflight.pdf
    14 MB · Views: 369
  • OAR_Study_Guide.pdf
    161.9 KB · Views: 786


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am taking my exam next week and I have been studying for a while and everyone on this website has been very helpful (so, thank you).

I was hoping someone could answer a question for me. I've seen repeatedly, "know which aircraft was converted into a tanker during the Gulf War" and for the life of me, I cannot find a solid answer anywhere. I feel silly for asking, but would anyone be bold enough to help me out?

I am currently enlisted in the Navy. Thank god for this page. I have spent countless hours looking for study material and this is the one stop shop for resources. I would like to thank everyone for sharing their gouge. My question to you all, I have studied countless hours for the test, but I am still freaking myself out about the OAR. I have taken the barron's practice tests after studying and my results are 29/30 on math and 25/30 for mechanical comprehension; I haven't studied for the reading portion yet. Should I keep studying or just go take the test? I know it would be difficult to gauge the practice tests versus the real test; however, has anyone taken the practice tests and got a similar outcome with a good OAR test score? Thank you for any guidance with this.

Ryan Ensor

Active Member
Hi everyone,

I am taking my exam next week and I have been studying for a while and everyone on this website has been very helpful (so, thank you).

I was hoping someone could answer a question for me. I've seen repeatedly, "know which aircraft was converted into a tanker during the Gulf War" and for the life of me, I cannot find a solid answer anywhere. I feel silly for asking, but would anyone be bold enough to help me out?

hey so according to the stuff I've been reading on the internet lately it was the KA-6D which was modified from the A-6 Intruder.


New Member
First time posting here,

I took the ASTB-E today and scored a 51 6/7/7. I am not thrilled with these scores but am not upset with them either. I put in a lot of hours of preparation, mainly focusing on barron's, the apatrick study guide, as well as online recourses like kahn academy. I think what helped me most was going through the last past 100 pages of this forum. Many members have posted their experience with the ASTB and have mentioned in their posts questions they remembered seeing. So go through this thread with a pen and pencil and record any questions other people got on your paper and find the answers. This was especially helpful with the random history questions you will likely see in the aviation section. Thats my bit of advice, hope it helps and good luck to everyone taking the ASTB.



New Member
According to the ASTB site there still is a paper form of the OAR only (form 6, 7, 8) and you can choose the computer or paper version.


Well-Known Member
According to the ASTB site there still is a paper form of the OAR only (form 6, 7, 8) and you can choose the computer or paper version.

I don't believe it is used anymore, last I heard all NRD's had to return all paper copies since the electronic version is available in all areas.


New Member
Hey everyone,

Just took my ASTB-E for the second time. (First time I took the original ASTB back in freshman year of college when it was computerized without the PBM, and got a 4/5/5). I am now a second semester senior. Sports Medicine/Health Science major. Today, I scored a 7/8/8 and a 57 OAR. I thought it might be useful for others to absorb how the test went for me:

Preparation: I spent about two weeks preparing for the test. I thought Barron's, Peterson's, and this forum were the most helpful resources. Arguably however, I felt that this forum was the best preparation for what to expect and strategies to do well.

Math: I felt that the math wasn't too bad. I saw about 4 word problems. These consisted of mainly rates and questions such as "one person leaves at this time, the other leaves two hours later, how long will it take one to reach two if two is traveling faster than the other" etc... I also saw basic algebra, fractional exponents, and simplifying equations. I did not see binary or matrices like other people have claimed here.

Reading: GOD was this boring. The best advice I can give test-takers here is to just pay attention as best you can. The material is dry. And it gets harder, the answers are more and more alike and you must choose the best fit for the material. Watch for subtle changes such as word placement or incorrect word usage in answers in reference to the paragraph at hand. At times I had to read the passage 3-4 times just to stay focused.

Mechanical: There was nothing in the mechanical section that I had not seen while reviewing with Barron's or Peterson's. A lot of it is simple equations such as F=MA, W=FD, or simple pulley systems. Some other things I saw were the water flow question about which valves need to be open. Additionally, I also saw a question or two about levers/fulcrums. An example was " this wrench requires x ftlbs of torque to operate, but if the user wanted to use y ftlbs, what would the length of the wrench have to be?" Nothing out of the ordinary.

Aviation/Nautical: This section was interesting. It ended pretty quickly. I studied this meticulously before taking the test and thought I knew everything there was about the Navy. My biggest suggestion is know airplane fundamentals ie: how the airplane banks, rolls, and general plane anatomy and its function. I got some really random questions that I had no idea about, but had to just make an educated guess.

Don't worry about the personality part. Is what it is. Just be truthful about who you are.


1)UAV: USE THE COMPASS TRICK. I missed maybe 3 or 4 and that was my own fault. The compass trick is a lifesaver!!!!!
2) PBM: The tracking is hard. No question about it. Just do your best to track the plane. For the dichotic listening, LEAN IN LIKE EVERYONE SAYS. IT TRULY HELPS! And for the Emergency Procedures, I felt it necessary to write them down. I recited them a few times before doing the actual "Test" part. It helps. My best advice with the PBM that helped me was really try to concentrate. Lean in and only listen for what you need to hear. Close your eyes if that helps you. It helped me! Everyone is different though. Hopefully someone has picked up maybe a tip or two from reading this however. This forum was INSTRUMENTAL to my success.

I will be submitting my app ASAP for the next board. Hoping for the best here! 3.1 GPA, good references and then the results of the ASTB after today. My top choices are SNA, NFO, SWO.