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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Blue is my favorite color
How concerned do you reckon we should be about time? I'm good at math, but not quite as good at doing math quickly.


Another 60R Driver
How concerned do you reckon we should be about time? I'm good at math, but not quite as good at doing math quickly.

Time is your biggest enemy in the math section for most including myself when I had to take the test. Get efficient at knowing what the question is asking and how to solve certain types of problems and you'll be okay.


How concerned do you reckon we should be about time? I'm good at math, but not quite as good at doing math quickly.

The sections all ended before the time ran out. Getting it right is the most important thing. Speeding through to get more questions won't help. It's a progressive test. Get a question right it moves you up, get one wrong it moves you down. I don't know how time factors into the scoring. I've seen other posts from people saying the sections ended with time on the clock.
Hey all,
I took the ASTB yesterday and figured I should leave a review to try be helpful
67 8/7/8

I studied over two weeks with Barrons, accepted inc, petersons, the apatrick study guide, marine gouge, peterson sat did the math portions online. One cool thing I found was that my county library provided online access to a few sites (petersons nelnet) which had many different practice tests for sat, asvab, afoqt so that was nice. barrons and the sat prep were great for math and physics, khan academy is also great for any topic you need to brush up on. flash cards are easy to find for the uav and all sort of anit info. I read the faa manual as well. All this stuff can be found throughout these posts but if youre too lazy i may be able to send you some documents

Standard rate question, percent needed if he has these scores on two of the three tests, these on hw and these on the final what does he need to get on the last test to have this final grade if his teacher promises to add five extra points at the end to his grade basically weighted averages with a twist, no logs or binary, a few factoring and one crazy square root that had a exponent of 3/4 on the inside and the answers all had massive numbers so i made an educated guess

felt like i was doing horrible, questions bounced from dense military stuff with acronyms and complex things to ones about how our vision works. the answers required some inferring a lot of the time which made me question a lot of them but seems i did okay

Standard as described, pulley, bernoulli stuff, one about the voltage coming out of one of like six lines all meeting in the center and only one didnt have a resistor on it not sure how else to describe that. other posts are spot on with what to study

Pretty easy if you study those flash cards and the faa manual, only one i remember not knowing was about some commander and it asked who he reports to, took as a sign i was doing well

UAV easy, i had to do it on a laptop without a mouse which i would say slowed me down a little but i only missed two, practice beforehand
Listening is easy tilt your head to the side you are listening for
the rest is really pretty hard to feel like you do even a decent job at, tracking is really hard i just tried to track as best i could and when it was time to listen i did that first and the emergency procedures first.

hope this helps good luck!


ASTB-E Gouge:

I took the ASTB for a second time on 4-APR-16.

Score: 8/9/9 OAR: 56


First let me just say thank you to the hundreds of posters before myself. Your shared experiences, advice, and gouges have been so helpful to an aspiring aviator. I appreciate you all greatly, and thought it was only fair to give back to the Airwarriors community by posting my own gouge for those of us still trying to attain our goals and for future members. So here goes:

I took the ASTB for the first time on 31-JUL-16 as an incoming NROTC 2/C mid. This first test, I scored a 6-7-7 OAR: 50. My goal has always been to get straight 8's or higher, which is why I found myself upset, but not completely. The 6-7-7 was a good and competitive score. My Officer Instructor and other aviators in my ROTC unit said I could keep those scores and have a descent chance at selection, but if I really wanted to impress the aviation selection committee, I should shoot for 8's or higher. Seeing that they take your most recent score, I was hesitant to take it a second time (What if I score lower? Then the pressure is on for that 3rd test). However, with much thought and through many conversations with experienced midshipmen and aviators, I decided I couldn't leave my life's dream to chance. It's in my hands, solely based on effort and desire. So, I buckled down, told myself I could kill this thing, and I obtained my goal three days ago. I've never felt more fulfilled in my life. Why do I tell you this? Well, because I've seen quite a few posts on this thread about people who do not do as well as they'd like and get discouraged. I have never been a good test taker and definitely not the smartest guy. However, if you really want something, go get it. Period. I studied day and night for the entire week before my ASTB. I even missed some homework assignments and other things I could've been doing instead, but I believe it's worth the sacrifice. Another example, I failed Calc II my first go-around. Got a B+ my second time. Anything is possible if you really want it. So, there's that. Work hard, don't give up. I'll stop preaching now and give my gouge on these ASTB sections. Here's what I did to study and some tips/thoughts:

*Open the file below for my full gouge. (It was too long to post here).


  • ASTB_Gouge_AirWarriors.docx
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Blue is my favorite color
I was about to write up a long post but unfortunately my internet died on me. I got 69 8/7/8. One thing I would recommend is, if your finances permit it, go ahead and buy Microsoft flight simulator (or something similar) if you have no flight experience. Going through their "flight school" lessons helped me out on the ANIT and probably on the PBM too. Beyond that, if anyone has any questions about anything, feel free to PM me. I'd be happy to help if I can.


Active Member
Brother cberger, have you encountered any questions as complex as this image i attached?

I dont think the test will have cos sin right because that would usually require a calculator


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Brother cberger, have you encountered any questions as complex as this image i attached?

I dont think the test will have cos sin right because that would usually require a calculator


I personally have never studied, heard of, nor experienced any type of questions in the math or mechanics part that require trigonometric properties like this. However, the questions you posted are in regards to angular and linear momentum. Again, though I've never heard of or seen a question regarding those topics on the mechanics section of the ASTB, I still studied angular & linear momentum a bit, just to understand what each one is and their basic concepts if for some reason I were to get a question. All in all, someone else please correct me if they have experienced such questions, but I would say you would probably be fine disregarding anything doing with cos, sin, tan, etc... It does not hurt to have a basic knowledge of it though, as it can help in other areas. E.G. The unit circle. Your question about using a calculator for these questions depends. If you know the unit circle, your understanding of basic geometry itself goes up and you can solve things such as sin(pi/2) without a calculator. So, in order to play it safe, I'd become familiar with the unit circle to compliment your geometry skills and then just have a basic knowledge of angular/linear momentum (no numbers, just concepts). I hope this help. If someone doesn't agree and would like to respond, please do so because I am just going off of personal experience and someone else's experience can possibly give you a more defined, clear answer.

Best of luck,



Blue is my favorite color
Yeah it's one of those areas where it's good to distinguish between knowledge that will actually be tested and knowledge that helps provide mathematical background that might be indirectly helpful to you. My advice (for what it's worth, and that isn't much) is to go through that material fairly quickly to get a theoretical understanding of it. The bulk of your time would best be spent elsewhere.


New Member
Hey all!

Just wanted to make a quick post and say thanks for all the useful gouge on this forum! I took the ASTB-E about a year ago (my process got derailed due to eye surgery) and I scored a 48 5/5/4... So not at all where I want to be. The information posted on this board is helping me with my studies a lot more than the first time around.

I'll post my scores when I take it again in May! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

Just wanted to make a quick post and say thanks for all the useful gouge on this forum! I took the ASTB-E about a year ago (my process got derailed due to eye surgery) and I scored a 48 5/5/4... So not at all where I want to be. The information posted on this board is helping me with my studies a lot more than the first time around.

I'll post my scores when I take it again in May! :)
I'm taking it again in May too! Hopefully we both do better! When will you be submitting your package?

Hopeful Hoya

Well-Known Member
I'm taking it again in May too! Hopefully we both do better! When will you be submitting your package?

Not sure where your package is but if you can make the upcoming board you might as well try, people have been getting picked up with similar scores. Worst case you get a PRO-N and retake in May.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where your package is but if you can make the upcoming board you might as well try, people have been getting picked up with similar scores. Worst case you get a PRO-N and retake in May.
I don't think I am far enough along in my application process. I still need to go to MEPS and I am only a junior in college. When does the board meet?

Hopeful Hoya

Well-Known Member
I don't think I am far enough along in my application process. I still need to go to MEPS and I am only a junior in college. When does the board meet?

Oh ok yeah it's not doable. IIRC you can't even get picked up until 6 months out from your grad date.

Word of advice though, in the meantime I'd go through the DD 2807 and for every "yes" that you have, start tracking down all of relevant the medical documentation. It can take forever to track the documents down and have them sent to you, and you have to send them to MEPS for review (takes 3-5 weeks) before they will even schedule a physical.