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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)

Rahul Gupta

Active Member
Howdy ya'll,

It's official. I went from a 6/6/6 46 (1st attempt) to a 7/7/6 53 (2nd attempt) today. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone on this forum for being a monumental step in my improvement. It has been a very big transformational experience for me and I could not be anymore thankful!

So here's my 0.02....

Allot at least 3 months before your test (I personally studied for a whole 6 months including my 1st attempt studies, however, it took me longer bc of my aerospace egr. curriculum) Study everything from page 1-311 of this forum as I have, like, buy a notebook and take super detailed notes cause I can guarantee that a lot of the questions I saw on there were somewhere on this Forum. As for prep books, use the Barrons Military Flight aptitude (I used 3rd edition but there's a new 4th edition, not that it really matters since they are identical)., ASTB Study guide 2018, ASTB Trivium and ASTB-E Secrets. I also bough an Peterson's 6th edition GRE/GMAT Math book and as you can see from my scores, it definitely helped!

Here are some links that helped me out and I'm sure will help you to:
  1. http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/pdf/free/masterofficercandidate.pdf
  2. https://docslide.net/documents/astb-study-guide-and-drill-sheet.html
  3. https://www.cram.com/flashcards/astb-aviation-nautical-information-test-anit-comprehensive-4718163
  4. https://sites.google.com/site/thebasicsofaviation/rudder-empennage-and-ailerons
  5. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/intro.htm
  6. http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/pdf/free/MasterMilitaryFlight.pdf
  7. https://www.airwarriors.com/community/threads/new-updated-astb-study-guides-gouges-and-links.37407/
  8. https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/intro.htm
  9. https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/beginner.htm
  10. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qHP7UgdlcG_8MWka5XnTuNGl4Q-hqL3b
  11. https://www.airwarriors.com/community/threads/astb-e-apex-4-experience-dec-2013.41357/page-9 (look for parking lot pdf)
  12. https://www.airwarriors.com/community/threads/astb-e-apex-4-experience-dec-2013.41357/ (another good gouge to venture on if time permits)
  13. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/phak/media/pilot_handbook.pdf (updated faa handbook)
  14. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...hUKEwjL7JnZj53fAhWG11kKHQeSDDAQ_B0wG3oECAIQBg (air traffic patterns)
15) https://www.ck12.org/earth-science/...Pressure-and-Density-of-the-Atmosphere-MS-ES/ (pressure v. density article good read)
16) http://msrc.sunysb.edu/~chang/atm205/Notes/Chapter_1_txtb.pdf
17) https://www.google.com/search?hl=en...iz-img.....0.iz8MiGCf10I#imgrc=8xfRTYlIvQYXFM: (good diagram of swashplate)

18) AND all the other stuff you can gett off of this gouge!

It's been one hell of a ride and I look forward to seeing you all in the fleet after I graduate from VT and the Corps of Cadets!
Figured it's time I added to this post.

I want to begin with thanking all those who have participated in this forum, from top to bottom this is the most helpful ASTB resource I found. The accumulation of tips, tricks and combined experience found here is incredible and should be studied like gospel by all those hoping to succeed on either the OAR or ASTB. That being said, this post will just be my experience taking the test, and what I felt helped my efforts. If you want guides, practice problems, fact sheets, links to helpful videos, etc, look on this forum. You want it, it's already been posted.

Some info about me: I have a B.A. in General Physics with a minor in mathematics, GPA of 3.496. I spent around 2 months studying for the test, started studying heavily about 2 weeks prior to the test. I took my ASTB-E on 1/28/19, scored 57 7/7/7 on my first attempt.

Math: My background helped a lot with this one, had a lot of velocity, average and problems with roots. Biggest issue I had was relearning how to do everything by hand instead of using the calculator. After that everything is just practice until you can do it without overthinking it.

Didn't study as much for this, and I probably should have. One thing I noticed was I kept getting questions with military orders, (i.e. when do you step in to correct an enlisted sailors behavior) instead of paragraph's on various topics (i.e. summary of somethings history) like I had thought. I tripped up more than I thought I would in this section.

Mechanical Comprehension: My background helped even more in this section. Really simple conceptual type questions, the guides on this section will tell you everything you need to know. Any math you encounter is easy enough to be done in your head.

Aviation/Nautical: Was a lot different than I expected. I spent time studying FAA regulations and Naval terms, but the test was much more trivia based. More things you would learn watching history channel documentaries or going to air shows, less "what type of airspace is more restricted?" or "How many feet is X fathoms?"
I now know what a windlass is, but I'm disappointed that it was never asked about during the test.

Trait Inventory: A drag to get through, just keep clicking the first one that fits you, don't overthink it.

PBM: This was a stress filled nightmare to get through, I thought I bombed it so bad that in the middle of taking this section I was planning when I could retake the test. I used the compass trick for the UAV portion, but should have spent more time studying the flash cards to build muscle memory. The ones I got right I averaged 1-2 seconds on, I got many more wrong than I had hoped. For the stick and throttle tests you're going to think you're doing terrible the whole time. Best thing to do is buy a stick and throttle set and play as many flight games as you can. I bought a PS4 Thrustmaster controller, hooked it up to my laptop and played World of Warplanes. At the low tiers all you have are guns, and there are enough erratic pilots to give you all the practice you need. Plus it acted as a "study break" from flashcards and math practice. The dichotic listening is straight forward, focus on the correct ear and you'll do fine. There's about a 2 second window per prompt to push the right button, so you can make sure it's correct. Write down your emergency procedures, focus on getting those right more than the tracking.

I was shocked when I got my test results, I didn't think I did well at all during the test. Just study hard and don't get discouraged, f you're reading this then you're already in the right place to succeed.

Good luck to you!

Rahul Gupta

Active Member
Also, to any current or former Naval Aviators, how good do my chances look solely from going from a 6/6/6 46 to a 7/7/6 53? While they are improvements and my NROTC Adviser is content with them, I just wanted to hear a side opinion, like if it is worth a third re-test to get 7's and 8's or if you would just follow through with these scores.

A little info about me...
-I am a junior cadet in the VTCC and a 2/C NROTC MID. I will also be here for 2 more years so I graduate in 21'.
My current cumulative GPA: 3.32
Current ASTB-E: 7/7/6 53
Major: Aerospace and Ocean engineering
Extracurricular: Naval Aviation Society (a little weak in this category so I'll look into joining something else)

I know this is another one of those "chance me" posts and nobody can know for sure but any opinion is truly helpful. Especially since a lot of those posts date back to as far as 03' and I was just wondering how I stand within this time frame. Thank you so much for your time and help ?
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Also, to any current or former Naval Aviators, how good do my chances look solely from going from a 6/6/6 46 to a 7/7/6 53? While they are improvements and my NROTC Adviser is content with them, I just wanted to hear a side opinion, like if it is worth a third re-test to get 7's and 8's or if you would just follow through with these scores.

A little info about me...
-I am a junior cadet in the VTCC and a 2/C NROTC MID. I will also be here for 2 more years so I graduate in 21'.
My current cumulative GPA: 3.32
Current ASTB-E: 7/7/6 53
Major: Aerospace and Ocean engineering
Extracurricular: Naval Aviation Society (a little weak in this category so I'll look into joining something else)

I know this is another one of those "chance me" posts and nobody can know for sure but any opinion is truly helpful. Especially since a lot of those posts date back to as far as 03' and I was just wondering how I stand within this time frame. Thank you so much for your time and help ?

Have you read through the SNFO/SNA Board threads to get an idea of who is getting a PROREC? I think a third attempt would be entirely unnecessary; you could have a bad day, bomb it, and ruin your chances forever. FTR, I received one last month with a 6/7/7 57, 3.10 GPA and an age waiver. I also haven't even graduated yet. I definitely think you're good

Rahul Gupta

Active Member
Have you read through the SNFO/SNA Board threads to get an idea of who is getting a PROREC? I think a third attempt would be entirely unnecessary; you could have a bad day, bomb it, and ruin your chances forever. FTR, I received one last month with a 6/7/7 57, 3.10 GPA and an age waiver. I also haven't even graduated yet. I definitely think you're good
Roger that. Thank you! Also I have not checked that thread, but will do!


I hope this is okay but just looking to help out. I was selected SNA and heading to OCS in a few weeks. I have a bunch of ASTB study material to give away - books, note-cards, print outs, etc if anyone is interested in them? I bought them all on amazon. Not looking for any money except to just cover the shipping cost. Shoot me a PM if interested. Good Luck!


Powers By Name, Powers By Reputation
So I took the ASTB on the fly (no pun intended har har har) and I scored a 1/1/1 and an OAR of 25 and I honestly feel like a jackass. I guess what concerns me I guess is the fact that I failed it. I was wondering if the NAFIT had anything to do with it.


So I took the ASTB on the fly (no pun intended har har har) and I scored a 1/1/1 and an OAR of 25 and I honestly feel like a jackass. I guess what concerns me I guess is the fact that I failed it. I was wondering if the NAFIT had anything to do with it.
What do mean you took it on the fly? Not trying to be mean at all; just genuinely curious. Like, you didn't study at all for it?

Rahul Gupta

Active Member
So I took the ASTB on the fly (no pun intended har har har) and I scored a 1/1/1 and an OAR of 25 and I honestly feel like a jackass. I guess what concerns me I guess is the fact that I failed it. I was wondering if the NAFIT had anything to do with it.
Definitely take some time to re-study. I’d say Give yourself at least 3 months. You WILL definitely improve. Imagine if you pull off 7’s from 1’s. The Navy will think that you’ve really “matured”, in other words, studied. This can actually benefit you more than hurt you if you pull it off. Thus, study hard this time. Message me if you need help and utilize this gouge. Look back to my post on this page (edit: I meant last pg - 311) as to what you should study and how you should approach it. You’ve already taken the right step in posting here.

Motivational quote for you and my personal favorite: “You can’t fall if you don’t climb, but there’s no joy living your whole life on the ground.” At least you know where you messed up, so take the time to prepare. Also, you will deal w/ all sorts of failures in life and flight school but your ability to maintain your composure is what will set you apart.
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I didn't study for it because my OSO offered for me to take it now just to get a feel for it.
Oh, ok. Wow, I didn't know that could happen. Anyways, I hope you are not too hard on yourself! At least you got a feel for it and you know what to expect next time! Yeah, I agree with what's been said before, that you just give yourself time to study. If you want too, I am willing to lend you some of my study guides. Although, I'm sure you can easily find them by looking through this forum! Best of luck!


Of course man and please do, that would be great! And im not too bummed, it was kinda funny to be honest
May I ask what the math section was like, if that is alright with you? Were there any logs and matrixes? Or just mostly word problems.
Also, give me just a second to get my guides together and I'll send them to you


Powers By Name, Powers By Reputation
A mix of algebra, geometry and probabilties, it gets easier if fuck it up and harder if you nail it. Some word problems too. And all good




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