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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
I took the ASTB-E yesterday and passed with a 50 6/7/7. It wasn’t necessarily a challenging test you just have to overcome the sensation you’re failing it the whole time you’re taking it haha. In terms of studying I didn’t study much besides doing some review of the OAR subsections and learning how to do the UAV trick and doing some ANIT flash cards.
Math - Probability, DRT, Averages. Also had a find X and simplify for X. One PEMDAS question that was insanely long.
Mechanical - I’d say I got most of these right it was extremely intuitive, what design creates the highest pressure, fulcrum balance questions, one electricity circuit question, and some what type of load is x under.
Reading - Pretty easy. Just read the passage and select the answer that most fits the passage. Make sure your answer is actually in the passage - not something you’re just inferring.
The Flight portion - pretty straight forward like you’re playing a video game. Just have fun with it and don’t give up if you’re making mistakes. I felt I did horrible but my results were pretty solid.
My background - I’m an Aviation Management/Aviation Flight senior with about 210 flight hours going for a SNA slot.


New Member
you just have to overcome the sensation you’re failing it the whole time you’re taking it


don’t give up if you’re making mistakes. I felt I did horrible but my results were pretty solid.
I second this. Took it for the first time on Wednesday and felt like I was in way over my head for the entire PBM portion. Seemed like I could only get the crosshairs close to the target for 0.5 seconds out of every 15. Important thing is to stick with it and don’t let the mistake you just made (it will happen) affect your performance on the rest.

After feeling like I was behind the curve the whole time but ending up with scores I’m happy with, my read is this: if you feel like the test is pushing you well beyond your abilities, you’ve probably been doing well and the test is trying to squeeze you to read where your limits are.

Congrats on the scores, Iceman!


New Member
Took the ASTB last week. My score was 54 6/6/7. I have a 3.51 GPA. My recruiter instructed me not to take the test again but to stick with my current score. I’m going 1)SNA 2)NFO. I really want a SNA slot but I will be happy with a NFO slot as well. Honestly it would be an honor to be considered for either of them. Good luck to everyone!

when would you hear back if you got the slot or not?


New Member
I second this. Took it for the first time on Wednesday and felt like I was in way over my head for the entire PBM portion. Seemed like I could only get the crosshairs close to the target for 0.5 seconds out of every 15. Important thing is to stick with it and don’t let the mistake you just made (it will happen) affect your performance on the rest.

After feeling like I was behind the curve the whole time but ending up with scores I’m happy with, my read is this: if you feel like the test is pushing you well beyond your abilities, you’ve probably been doing well and the test is trying to squeeze you to read where your limits are.

Congrats on the scores, Iceman!
how'd you do?


Well-Known Member
It won’t be until after May. The packet is due beginning of April and then the board has to do it’s thing lol so it will be awhile.
My recruiter texted me saying they are pushing the due date from April to July with a board review date of August 2nd, is anyone else hearing this?


Well-Known Member
My recruiter texted me saying they are pushing the due date from April to July with a board review date of August 2nd, is anyone else hearing this?
sounds like you're just being moved to the August board; there hasn't been any indication that the May board has been cancelled.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you're just being moved to the August board; there hasn't been any indication that the May board has been cancelled.
Any idea why they would do that? My recruiter is very difficult to communicate with. Aside from getting through MEPS im done with everything and was really hoping to submit for the next board.


Well-Known Member
Any idea why they would do that? My recruiter is very difficult to communicate with. Aside from getting through MEPS im done with everything and was really hoping to submit for the next board.
could be a whole variety of reasons...you should keep an eye on the May 24 board thread on this forum to see if there's any new info though.


New Member
My recruiter texted me saying they are pushing the due date from April to July with a board review date of August 2nd, is anyone else hearing this?
It’s a rumor that is going around. In previous comments someone explained why it is that people are hearing different things from their recruiters. I’m not sure what they said word for word. I haven’t heard that from my recruiter though.


Well-Known Member
Any idea why they would do that? My recruiter is very difficult to communicate with. Aside from getting through MEPS im done with everything and was really hoping to submit for the next board.
As a result of the complications with the January boards and quotas, no one (including the navy) is quite sure what's going on. The exact status of "what is" the May board is still up in the air. Rumor is that the first "normal" aviation board will be August which is likely why they are saying to submit in July.
Hello everyone!
  • BLUF: 55 7 8 8
  • 3.3 Engineering GPA with no flight or gaming experience
I am a short-time viewer, although I have combed through about 400 pages of this thread from the latest material looking for ways to increase my ASTB score. I should start off with my first score in which I got 49 OAR and 5 5 6. After combing through here and picking out a few study materials, I got a 55 7 8 8!! Definitely was not shaking from excitement when I received my scores after all the hard work I put in.

A few things I've learned from retaking is:
  1. Go into it like you will own all the material and nothing can touch you. I had the mindset this time, which was backed by my studying, that I could definitely get a better score than last time.
  2. The first time, my headphones were so loud I ended up stuffing them with tissues to muffle the volume. The recruiter was not able to change the volume once the test started, and since dichotic listening is at the end of the test, I couldn't do anything about it. So the second time I went, today, I asked to change the volume before he opened the test.
  3. I am an engineering major, third year college student in NROTC, but still studied the math portion. Still look over it!! It won't hurt you, except you wont be able to watch that one episode on Netflix you've been dying to watch until later.
  4. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: This part I got all wrong the first time. RED MEANS HIGH, YELLOW MEANS LOW. I can not stress that enough since the test does not specify that. Second time I got them all right.
  5. For dichotic listening, LEAN TO THE TARGET EAR. I tried taking off the headphone of the ear blah blah blah, ultimately wastes time and adds frustration. I can not tell you enough how much better volume and leaning to the target ear helped.
  6. Study NAFTI! Trust me, flashcards are a godsend.
  7. Bring a snack for the break mid-test. I wasn't even hungry but I ate it anyways to give my brain a bit more fuel for the PBM measures portion.
  8. For the reading comprehension, READ THE PASSAGE OUT LOUD 2-3 TIMES IF YOU CAN NOT FOCUS. do it.
  9. During the tracking, focus on the joystick and peripheral the throttle. Paired with dichotic listening, getting the listening right is more important than tracking.
  10. You will not be able to keep the cross hairs on the target most of the time, do not worry about it.
  11. If you feel like you're failing at any point---- get over it, push it to the back of your brain, and continue. I answered a question wrong and right after I clicked my answer I knew it was wrong, but let it go and continued like nothing happened.
  12. I will link the materials down below:
I swear by Kyle's ASTB google folder. The MOST helpful item out of everything BY FAR.
Kyle's ASTB Study Kit:

- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AvPi5oH_h_13TGajDvflDWkftwXO8LS6?usp=sharing

NAFTI flashcards, do them!
Compass practice, draw the compass for the test!
Mechanic practice that I didn't look at for more than 5 min (mostly because its all covered in my engineering classes)

- https://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=astb-mechanical-comprehension-test

JOYSTICK PRACTICE. buy one. just do it. unless you're a gamer, which I am not

- https://embed.plnkr.co/eeARqZfNMXZUZ1AurmK6/

Other material I picked up from scouring that I did not use, but someone might find them helpful and might save hours of sitting at the computer looking through this thread:
All in all, don't spend money on study books from Amazon. Use these resources and you will do great. (but that's just my two cents). Good luck!
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