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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody. Applying to the Oct 31 board for SNA with my score of 63 8/8/7 and I wanted to contribute to the gouge that's already on here as well as my experience with the test. This was my second attempt at it. My first attempt was a 58 7/6/6. The first time around was a while ago so I may be wrong, but I believe there has been some changes to the test. The first three sections, MST, RST and MCT do now give you a countdown clock. But, it is still up to you to keep track of what question you’re on. This helped me relax and focus as I knew where I was in relation to time left.

MST - 30 questions, 40 minutes. The best way to prepare for this is to time yourself as you take the math practice tests. Time yourself to be able to steady your pace and not to dedicate too much time to a question. However, the real test is adaptive for those that don't know, so be quick but more important, right. Be prepared to run into integers raised to a fraction, matrices, DRT problems, logs, long division/multiplication and area/surface area problems. Also, recommended by a different person here on AW, I used a “Problem Generator” to help get my mental math faster.

RCT - 20 questions, 30 minutes. If you’re like me and read at a 3rd grade level, I highly suggest studying for this by reading the FAA Manual and any heavy reading as well as the RCT portion of the practice test in Kyles Gouge under “Complete Tests” Elimite wrong choices as you go down the list of options but try to find the one that is DIRECTLY Supported by the paragraph. All questions I had had to do with NAVY programs and alot of technical/confusing wording.

MCT - 30 questions, 15 minutes. This means 30 sec a question average but like the Math section, if you're answering correctly and within time, it will cut you off. Keep track of what question you’re on. Be prepared for questions regarding pulleys, levers/fulcrums, simple electronic components/circuits, acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2, springs and projection motion.

ANIT - 15 questions. There is so much info its hard to really get everything but read the FAA Manual and highlighted chapters as well as all other reading info in Kyle’s Gouge. Those chapters cover a lot. These “Flashcards” cover a lot of info too. Familiarize yourself with parts of a ship. Head = bathroom, Galley = Kitchen ETC.

NAFTI - 99 questions in 35 minutes. No way to gauge this. Just answer honestly. Since I took it the first time, they have now given you a counter for what question you’re on.

UAV - 48 questions. The old style used to be 8 directions. N,S,E,W as well as NE,NW,SE,SW. But, they have changed it to 12 Directions, 30 degree increments. Read “This” to better understand what I'm talking about. The absolute best way to study for this is the TBAS Prep. It costs money but it's better than flashcards. Be able to have a low 1 sec reaction time and know like the back of your hand. The questions come at you very fast, a lot faster than the TBAS prep, so be prepared.

PBM - Stick and Throttle. Buy yourself a flight stick. I used the logitech one. Use JoytoKey and Jantzens simulator. Trigger for even numbers and thumb for odd is how I did it. The real test is not 30 sec. It's about 3 minutes straight and I would say a level 5 or 6 difficulty on Jantzens Simulator. Also write down your emergency procedures on a piece of paper and put it in front of you.

If you have any questions then message me and I will try to help.

I hope this helps out some of you. Good Luck.
Any changes to the ASTB would result in new versions being released, still the same versions, and important thing to remember is the test is adaptive based on how you answer the questions.


Well-Known Member
Any changes to the ASTB would result in new versions being released, still the same versions, and important thing to remember is the test is adaptive based on how you answer the questions.
I could be wrong in thinking that there were changes in the UAV section when there probably weren't any, since its been a long time from when I took it the first time. But, the other changes im referring to are small, such as time remaining being given.
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Well-Known Member
Well that's worrying considering how I am taking the test Friday and have not heard that they updated the test. I've been reading this thread and it doesn't seem like they did.

Edit: so your test had a drop down menu?
Im not following, what do you mean by drop down menu?


Active Member
Im not following, what do you mean by drop down menu?
You said the UAV is changed and linked a research article as reference. In that article the new test has a drop down menu or something with a ship. I'm wondering what your test was actually like because I haven't seen that anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
You said the UAV is changed and linked a research article as reference. In that article the new test has a drop down menu or something with a ship. I'm wondering what your test was actually like because I haven't seen that anywhere else.
Im sorry, yes everything prior to that article explains what I mean when I say 30 degree increments. So pay attention to everything before that page with the ship and the drop down menu. Apologies for the confusion.


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and beginning to start studying for the ASTB and I keep seeing people talking about Kyle's study drive. I was hoping someone could link it for me. I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this forum. Thanks!


Active Member
I could be wrong in thinking that there were changes in the UAV section when there probably weren't any, since its been a long time from when I took it the first time. But, the other changes im referring to are small, such as time remaining being given.
Hey, just making sure I'm understanding you. I have been preparing for the UAV section by using the proprofs flashcards, which have the arrow pointing to 1 of 8 possible directions (N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW). Are you saying this is not representative of the UAV section on the ASTB?


SNA (Primary - Pool)
Hey, just making sure I'm understanding you. I have been preparing for the UAV section by using the proprofs flashcards, which have the arrow pointing to 1 of 8 possible directions (N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW). Are you saying this is not representative of the UAV section on the ASTB?
The UAV portion on the ASTB isn’t limited to those 8 directions. It could be a heading of 217, 143, etc.

Practicing the flash cards does translate pretty well into the actual test tho, so don’t discount that


New Member
I have a quick question, I took the ASTB today and got a 7 6 7. I'm unsure if I should take it again since the retest will be during my semester. I'm in an NROTC program so I only have until Sept. 6 to retest if that's what I decide. What do you guys think I should do?


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong in thinking that there were changes in the UAV section when there probably weren't any, since its been a long time from when I took it the first time. But, the other changes im referring to are small, such as time remaining being given.
Any changes no matter how small would require new versions being released as everyone has to have equal opportunity on the test.


Active Member
The UAV portion on the ASTB isn’t limited to those 8 directions. It could be a heading of 217, 143, etc.

Practicing the flash cards does translate pretty well into the actual test tho, so don’t discount that
hmm ok, I am not sure what to expect it to look like on the ASTB then. Is there an image/application that is near identical? I'm having a tough time envisioning what it looks like now


SNA (Primary - Pool)
hmm ok, I am not sure what to expect it to look like on the ASTB then. Is there an image/application that is near identical? I'm having a tough time envisioning what it looks like now
You’ve been using the flash cards to practice, right? Just imagine that all the flash cards are turned 17 degrees clockwise now.

Using the compass rose works, no matter how the cards are oriented.