Congrats! I took mine this Tuesday and got 63 9/9/8, applying for SNA to the April board as well.
I've also been studying since August (more or less) but have a lot of flight sim hours (I would say around 200 but it's hard to say exactly) so that combined with the Joystick and Throttle sim posted on this forum I think that helped tremendously with the PBM. Funny enough, I thought I fumbled on the listening portion because I'm certain I misclicked 3-4 times for even/odd numbers in the target ear, but maybe the targeting made up for it, I don't know.
I didn't buy any books, I only studied the ANIT Cram flashcards, whatever topics for math and physics I did my best to study (except matrices which I got one question on) and I bought the Alex Hastings app 3 days before my test just to add a bit of diversity. While it did help me to identify some of my weaknesses, I noticed there was a surprising amount of questions marked incorrectly (I triple checked with STEM friends to be sure, don't want to make false accusations). That being said, the TI portion of my test was definitely much easier thanks to the app.
Anyways, I want to give major credit to everyone posting on this forum. The Kyle and Gomez drives were everything I needed to be prepared, and I had some friends that I also owe credit too since they helped me out tremendously, especially for physics (I never got to study simple mech).
Best of luck to everyone taking their tests!