Alright mandatory post.....
I am a junior in college applying to April board. I originally was going for SWO, but...
I realized over the summer that I would want to join the navy after school and looked into pilot nfo and of course the ASTB. Late august is when I started to study for the math. Extremely basic stuff that you should know in middle or high school... I failed math in high school , but I am good at english. I have never taken a physics (even in highschool) class or math (besides stats) in college. Nor have I ever flown or taken any aviation classes ever.
I recognized a bunch of questions on both math, mechanichal comprenhension and ANIT from the forums so study up! As well as many of the guides etc look at everything.
Thank you all so much!!! Even if I did not interact with you directly all your questions helped!
I thought I was bombing it but, I just kept going... the math was hard and I never got any logs or matrices. Lots of probability
Applying to the April board
63 8/9/8 SNA/SNFO
If you need help reach out!