well I finally took the freakin ASTB. I mean just to have taken it feels so liberating. However my scores were as follows 5,6,5; 44. I felt kinda of bumed at first but not as much as I thought I would be. After all I know I had given it my all. I studied the whole freakin summer so no one can say I wasn't committed to what I want. I have to say the computer version sucks. First of all they must use computers that are like a minimium of eight years old, and it takes like forever to load to new pages. Someone should like send in a petition or something about either giving the ROTC centers and recruiters better computers or just go back to paper. Anyway I have been told that in order to even apply for SNA you have to have at least a minimum of 7s on each section. With that said I have considered possibly applying for NFO. Know I know what everyone is goin to say, why not just take the test again and see if you can get a better score. However I have considered other factors that are leading to lean more in this direction. One my eyes, I know I'm going to have them PRK d and I can't pay fpr that right know because I just don't have the money for it, and I know that if you are already in the Navy will pay for it. Two I know I can take the test again in 30 days but by then I will be well into the new semester with 15 credits to keep me well occupied, plus I know these test aren't like the SATs where they take your highest scores so I could inevitably do worse and have to take it a third time. Third I am a senior at Embry Riddle with a 3.27 GPA and I know I only have until my graduation to apply for BDCP which I really wanna get into and if I wait around to retake my astb i could in turn run out of time to submit my packet, and then there is the question of what if I do worse and screw myself even more. Fourth I have to get medical waivers and the particular waivers I have to get might delay me even more so their is that issue. Fifth I have also considered the option of going into the NFO program and then transferring, I mean I really wanna a pilot slot but right considering my current situation this seems like a better possibility, also I know I have until I am at least 27 and if I'm already in I have heard they can grant you an age waiver giving you more time to apply. However in spite of all this I'm not going to get my hopes to far up, when the proctor saw my scores he said that my recruiter will most likely make me take it again but he may have just meant that for SNA and not NFO but I don't I'm gonna have to talk to my. The important thing is I'm not giving up I'm still going to keep on trying for a pilot slot because I still really I've just come to the realization that might have to about it another way. The point is to not stop fight ever!!