Here's a recap of my astb experience.
Took the test this morning with good results: 9/9/9 68.
Here is a list of things that you should study that wasn't really covered by the Barron's book...
space flight
know astronauts names (first in space, first US in space, first to orbit earth, first on moon)
know the number of mercury, gemini and apollo missions and notable events that happened on each mission
i would highly recommend watching the movie "the right stuff"
also watch top gun and laugh at tom cruise
know more about every type of cloud than you think you should know
seriously... do it
know classifications of airplanes
know what each navy airplane does (cargo, interceptor, fighter etc.)
have your aerodynamics down solid
bernoulli's principle
what flight surfaces do what
know what instruments do what
know what mechanical advantage is
know how pulley's work and block and tackles
for the spacial apperception section - PRACTICE!
if you suck at this section, you should find every available SAT problem and do them over and over until you have every scenario memorized
beware that on the test there are two different bank angles
if you do well on the math sections in barron's, the astb math will be VERY easy. i found that the real MST, RST and Mech sections were easier than barron's but the SAT, ANIT and AST were a little more difficult.
that's all I have. feel free to shoot me a message if you have any q's.
I would say about 85% of this WAS covered in the Barrons book... At least the copy I have...