quick question, im graduating from The Citadel here in a few months, i was wondering how much weight that might hold for my application
Seeing how this thread is about the ASTB .... umm, 7 pounds?
quick question, im graduating from The Citadel here in a few months, i was wondering how much weight that might hold for my application
I'm a 2/C at SU/LSU NROTC, took my ASTB this afternoon, my scores are as follows:
AQR - 6
PFAR - 7
OAR - 47
After looking through this thread, I think I have a pretty good idea about my scores, but I couldn't help but ask anyway. In this day and age, how competitive are my scores for SNA?
Did anyone notice repeat questions? I took it on the computer and about 3 of the problems in the last section were repeated. Specifically the one about red and green flashing lights on the tower, which btw, what does it mean?
Red and Green Flashing means to use Extreme Caution. I also noticed a few questions repeating... I
I just took the test today... Scored 5/5/5/ 50... Would have scored higher most likely, but the damn computer was slower than dirt loading images, and the timer was still counting down while they load!
** They need to seriously get some better quality images for the test, most were grainy and pixilated on the machine I was on.
Red and Green Flashing means to use Extreme Caution. I also noticed a few questions repeating... I
I just took the test today... Scored 5/5/5/ 50... Would have scored higher most likely, but the damn computer was slower than dirt loading images, and the timer was still counting down while they load!
** They need to seriously get some better quality images for the test, most were grainy and pixilated on the machine I was on.