Bring back AOCS. Problem(s) solved.
I meant there are some december grads who have yet to report but are soon on their way, thus in the pool that needs to get rid of 100. If you are gonna downsize, downsize the ones that you DIDN'T already spend thousands to move to Pensacola.
But you see, that would make way too much senseSeriously though, this problem has been a long time coming IMHO. When my senior class selected back in fall of '05 they were already giving out SNA/FO slots like they were candy. I had 3 classmates who didn't even list aviation in their top 2, and they were picked up of them got SNA and didn't even list aviation at all
From everything I have seen, this has continued since then, and was happening even before that. Perhaps "they" were predicting something that didn't happen, or more likely, there is a reason for this beyond our ENS/JG level of comprehension. I do know that most of the IP's I have talked to in the advanced VT have said that the VT's aren't pumping out new aviators nearly fast enough for the demand. Something to think about...
I'm just going to enjoy my weekend and go the route of "surely they won't send a third of us home". Ignorance is bliss!
I shouldn't talk though, I spent $75 on new core frames and insignia yesterday. .
What the heck are "core frames"???![]()
Good question! I've seen many different spellings: corframs, corfams, chloroframs, chlorofams, corframes......anyone know the truth?
BTW I thought you were being sarcastic and making fun of his spelling, but if not, he's talking about the shiny shoes.