Dear Mrs. usmarinemike,All of this...ALL of this would be avoided with a simple daily physical muster. Phone muster causes too much temptation for so many thing like busting liberty limits and getting fat. Idle hands and all, you know. Ounce of prevention anyone?............
Felicity does NOT consist in idleness. Put the pool to work on something the least bit useful. I'm a firm believer in "blooming where planted" but no seed is going to bloom if they are put down on asphalt.
We regret to inform you that your son was fragged by his own Marines. It seems he liked making things as hard as possible for all Marines instead of just fixing the few broken Marines. His Marines resented that and fixed it in their own fashion.
We at HQ regret this happened as he was obviously senior officer material in that he didn't give a shit about his Marines' QOL. However, we can not help but wonder at the spontaneous celebrations that seem to be erupting within his peer group.
Semper Em up the Ass and be sure to punish all for the crimes of the few.
Fuck'em til it hurts, it only makes them stronger.
General, USMC