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1001 questions (and answers) concerning BDCP


Active Member
My OR was going to be administering the PRT every month next semester before I ship off. but he left, so its basically my job to schedule my own prt's right now. I'm in the gym four days a week for my own motivation and because its part of my BDCP commitment, not a big deal.

But an OR that does that will deff not be sending guys to ocs near the mins


New Member
Can anyone give me a timeline in terms of what to expect in the upcoming future? My BDCP application made the October Board.


Good muster guys.
Wait times can vary but for me it was:

FEB - Application made it to the boards; Two - Three weeks later I was pro-rec'd
MAR - Received Final Select
APR - Swore in after finishing all my paperwork and PRT.
MAY through Now - Get paid, work out, get good grades, Vegas, toys, and don't do anything stupid.

OCS following graduation.


New Member
I'm sure the answer is on here, but how often do the boards meet?

@Afterburner: just out of curiosity, who wrote your LORs, and what were your ASTB scores?


Good muster guys.
Boards meet once a month, although I dont think they are meeting this december. It also depends on what you are applying for. Some of the less demanding fields are only once or a few times a year. But I think SNA, NFO, SUPPLY, and a few others are once a month.

My LORs were from:

-My employer whom I worked with for three years and had plenty of good things to say.
- My flight instructor (only a few logged hours) who I also have know since I was a kid and he is a former Marine pilot. (His son is also a SuperHornet Pilot for the Navy)
- My friend Daren, a pilot in the Marines, who I have know since I was little.

and I think that was all I had, just those three. As far as my ASTB scores I got 6/7/7/56 if I remember correctly. Remember it's a whole package deal.


Active Member
when I actually got a pro-rec:
AF ret. maj. boss. very strong ref.
marine cobra pilot 30yrs reserves
professor who was also a AF officer
Local Reserve CO
best friend in flt school
personal friend

65 8/7/7

but what i imagine was the changing factors was boost astb, 4.0 prior semester, joined prob extra 3 campus clubs.... IT IS THE WHOLE PACKAGE. after i got non-select I just thought about how i can make my self more competitive in every aspect. motivation, it will carry into OCS, flt school and the fleet. g'luck stay sharp


New Member
Okay, being a non-prior I am somewhat out of whack with everything.

I want to get into the BDCP

What was everyones first step minus talking to a OR?

Right now I know I want to join, but I'm not sure what my next step is?

Should I start studying for the ASTB, then talk to my OR and take it?

Or should I work on the application first and then take the ASTB?

Either way, I need some guidance because I am completely in the dark on this one.


Okay, being a non-prior I am somewhat out of whack with everything.

I want to get into the BDCP

What was everyones first step minus talking to a OR?

Right now I know I want to join, but I'm not sure what my next step is?

Should I start studying for the ASTB, then talk to my OR and take it?

Or should I work on the application first and then take the ASTB?

Either way, I need some guidance because I am completely in the dark on this one.

I think you will find that many ORs do things in different order. Some ORs don't have the applicant take PRT until after a Pro-rec, some ORs don't have the applicant go to MEPS until after the Pro-rec, and some ORs have them do everything prior.

You will need to take the ASTB and you will need to fill out an application. My suggestion is you attempt to talk to your OR (sometimes they take a while to respond/get the ball rolling) and in the meantime, start getting letters of recommendation from people.

And of course start studying for the ASTB, if you know you'll need to take it soon, there is no benefit of not starting to study right away.

You said you run daily, but continue :)


New Member
I've spent the past week or so searching this site for any ounce of information to help me study for the ASTB and found pretty much everything I could've asked for (Thanks Guys!).

So I've been reviewing everything I have, I'm golden on spacial apperception thanks to a lot of practice and tips, and have a good understanding of aviation/nautical information due in part because I just had to make a week lesson plan on the subject lol. MST is easy, my major (Technology Education) is basically MST taught to kids lol.

Math is where I am worried, I'm not strong in that department, so I will be studying my ass off for this part for sure.

So if I pre-fill out my application (via pdf form my OR emailed to me) and then study like crazy, get my letters of recomendation, and keep up with physical activity then I should be in a good position? I want to apply for NFO, SWO and possibly Supply, my choice list in the same order.

When I am ready to take the ASTB, should I just contact my OR, bring in all the application parts (letters of recomendation, transcript, ID forms, ect) and then take the ASTB?


When I am ready to take the ASTB, should I just contact my OR, bring in all the application parts (letters of recomendation, transcript, ID forms, ect) and then take the ASTB?

This is really all on your OR. If you'd like to take the ASTB and he hasn't mentioned it yet, then sure ask him about it. But what to bring and when will depend on how your OR and your processor handle the paperwork.

My biggest thing throughout the process was to just return whatever information they needed as quickly as possible (was fairly easy working at a computer job with access to scanner and the such).


Good muster guys.
Basically this is how my process worked:

Call recruiter, ask what he needs and get it for him ASAP
Call recruiter, ask what he needs and get it for him ASAP
Call recruiter, ask him what we are waiting on, or if there is anything I can do to help.
Call recruiter, every week like clockwork I called and asked if I can do anything.

Eventually everything gets done.

Word of advise though. One of the things that took a bit of time was my medical records. You have to get copies of your medical records from every hospital you have gone to (sometimes they transfer over and one hospital could have all or most of it). I broke myself alot when I was younger on ATV's and dirt bikes so I had alot of hospitals to go to. Sometimes they take forever to get those records. Oh and if you say your doing it for the NAVY they may order the records free.

Good luck and stay persistant. Make sure ether you or your recruiter is doing something or both. If he is doing something, ask how long it should take. Thats what i did at least.


API- Whiting for Primary
I just got a pro-rec for BDCP in the October board as a SNA. Literally found out a couple of days ago and I am so psyched.

Basically, my process all just began by contacting my OR and just following up continually any time I had stuff to get done. I filled out all the security stuff, got my LORs and did my application for commission before studying and taking the ASTB. My recruiter gave me tons of studying material for the ASTB which really helped, so I would definitely reccomend talking to them first. My OR had me go to MEPS and do my PRT prior to the board mainly because I'm now in London studying abroad for the year and he said I'd be pretty competetive so I could just get it out of the way. Now I've got to get my final paperwork done and find a Navy or Marine officer in the U.S. Embassy over here to swear me in.

I had a pretty good recruiter and he usually took care of things fairly quickly, but he told me a few times that he deals with tons of applicants, so expect them to have a lot on their plate. You have to be persistant. I was lucky my recruiter is located at my college campus so I could drop by whenever I needed to talk to him. Now I'm halfway across the globe and it's a bit more difficult. Have to use some of the BDCP pay to get home every few months.

My LORs were from a recently retired Navy Captain my Dad used to fly with, just about the best possible LOR I could get and a couple of my employers which were decent enough.

ASTB I got 8/8/7 63
I only have a 3.0 GPA right now, but I'm in Aerospace Engineering so it's pretty damn hard. I was actually worried pretty badly about my GPA because it was declining a bit when I applied and I really need to get it back up.
I'm an Eagle Scout, played rugby, and was active in my school's sailing club too.
Like some people said earlier, they're looking for well-rounded people, not just brainiacs and not just jocs. But I'm sure being a brainiac would work because the PRT is sooo easy to pass.


New Member
Hmm well maybe then I'll contact my OR and see if I can get MEPs and PRT out of the way so I can dedicate my time to studying and taking the ASTB.

I've only been to the hospital twice in my life, same one too, so that'll make things easier I hope.

PRT should be fun, I talked to my OR and it's only a mile run and sit-ups/push-ups right?