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1001 questions (and answers) concerning BDCP


New Member
Well, just from the name of the program, BDCP is geared towards those still in school finishing a degree. Since you already have a degree, there's no need for you to apply for BDCP. You can submit a package for direct accession (DA) to OCS. In fact, I'm not sure the Navy will allow you to apply for BDCP even if you go back to get another bachelors since you're already eligible for DA - less money they have to spend. Your GPA might be low, but I'm sure there are/have been plenty of people in aviation with the same or lower GPA. You'll never know until you try. As blarged noted, it's not a deal breaker. Just make sure you make up for it in other areas - remember the whole person idea.

While the Navy likes to see technical degrees, it's not a requirement. Contact an officer recruiter, schedule an ASTB, do well and see what options you have and where it goes from there. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Someone on here (Nugget61?) did BDCP in a Master's program, so I imagine it's possible. But why would you spend all that time and money when you could just apply DA where you would probably be more competitive?


Still avoiding work as much as possible....
Someone on here (Nugget61?) did BDCP in a Master's program, so I imagine it's possible. But why would you spend all that time and money when you could just apply DA where you would probably be more competitive?

Yes, you can do BDCP as a Master's program because it was an option I was considering when I first started the process though.

The kicker is that you have to be able to finish your Master's within a year. That meant that I would have had to take 3 grad level classes each for 3 semesters in a row. For those who have not been to grad school, 1 Grad Class = 2 Undergrad classes (as far as workload is concerned, and in engineering at least). And I would've had to keep my GPA above a 3.5.

My gpa wasn't the issue as it was a 3.75 in grad school, the issue was the added stress of the workload and trying to keep my gpa above that line to stay in the program and finish within a year.

I felt it was a better decision to postpone my grad degree and finish it later and start my naval career NOW. As my advisors put it (both of whom were navy pilots/astronauts) - "Grad School or any other schooling will ALWAYS be there.....this opportunity for you to become a Naval Officer, will not."

There ya go. Weigh the pro's and con's of your decision before deciding to do whatever it is you want to do.


Active Member
26, you have either a scary good memory or you're a stalker. lol.

To add on to the pm I sent you arian, I got selected in Oct and got my undergrad in Dec. I don't know about the rule regarding degree-in-hand when applying to bdcp. Sorry. And unfortunately its so uncommon for folks to apply for bdcp for a masters that all 3 OR's I spoke to told me it can't be done. Keep pushing and you might surprise yourself.
CUPike, I don't know about that one year rule, but its really not that bad. We didn't do the 'count a masters class as 2x the hours' thing (unless you were referring to them being harder) but I did 19 hours and 11 hours in the spring and summer, respectively to finish out my degree (pulled 4 hours over from my undergrad time).
Good luck all.


Still avoiding work as much as possible....
26, you have either a scary good memory or you're a stalker. lol.

To add on to the pm I sent you arian, I got selected in Oct and got my undergrad in Dec. I don't know about the rule regarding degree-in-hand when applying to bdcp. Sorry. And unfortunately its so uncommon for folks to apply for bdcp for a masters that all 3 OR's I spoke to told me it can't be done. Keep pushing and you might surprise yourself.
CUPike, I don't know about that one year rule, but its really not that bad. We didn't do the 'count a masters class as 2x the hours' thing (unless you were referring to them being harder) but I did 19 hours and 11 hours in the spring and summer, respectively to finish out my degree (pulled 4 hours over from my undergrad time).
Good luck all.

Yes the one year rule is true. You have to be within one year of graduation with your masters and so yes coupled with where I was in my credits, my schedule would have been impossible. For example this semester I would have had Rocket propulsion, orbital dynamics, clinical medicine and physiology, and statistical methods and probability. My advisors even agreed that was too much. Yes I also meant grad school classes are the equivalent of 2 undergrad classes in terms of workload and difficulty. Although that is dependent on major. I was merely saying for me that big of workloads each semester to finish was not worth it.


New Member
BDCP - Questions

I've been in the BDCP program since July, and I graduate May 2010, but the OCS date I've been given is January 2011...is this gap common?

Also, I've been accepted for NFO, but I don't have the greatest vision in the world (granted I passed all the physicals, etc.). I've been told that I have some astigmatism. I'm nervous that my eyesight will disqualify me eventually, especially during the flight physical...would it be a good idea to get some sort of corrective eye surgery (PRK looks like the better choice from what I've read on here so far) before I go to OCS?

Thanks in advance


Good muster guys.
Dont know about the gap, although I hope not (I graduate in may as well). From what I have heard however, you cannot get PRK while in BDCP.


Dont know about the gap, although I hope not (I graduate in may as well). From what I have heard however, you cannot get PRK while in BDCP.

Speaking from a non-SNA perspective, I am planning on getting PRK in December. My OCS date is August 1st and I was told by my OR (after he contacted the Officer Processing Team Leader in Collegiate Management; PM me for contact information) that the surgery (whether LASIK/PRK/whatever) just needs to be completed ≥6 months prior to report date in order to be PQ.

Again, I'm going in IW, so PRK over LASIK is by my own personal choice (Doctor's recommendations with my hobbies of skydiving and scuba diving), but I would speculate that PRK would be OK as long as you can be re-PQ before OCS report.


Active Member
I was BDCP/SNA. First, enjoy all that time in BDCP. Not only are you getting paid well, but you are accruing time towards retirement and time in service (both of which you will be happy about later). With regards to the PRK, I tried to get one while in BDCP as well. They told me it would have to be approved by the CO of the NRD at a minimum, and likely Pensacola (NOMI). They advised against it, and in hindsight I am glad I did not. Obviously, if you have DQing vision (they shouldn't have passed you to begin with but...), then do what you have to do. If the PRK goes badly and you lose your spot, you will regret it of course (which was basically what my NRD advised).


Active Member
I was BDCP/SNA. First, enjoy all that time in BDCP. Not only are you getting paid well, but you are accruing time towards retirement and time in service (both of which you will be happy about later).

Yes, but not like i'm going to pickup retirement any earlier. Might be easier to sit around getting e-3 or e-4, but I'd much rather be earning my butter bar at e-5, and then sit in A-pool at O-1, if I'm going to be sitting around. So financially and for my own well being I hope were not waiting till january 2011 to class up...(ocs that is, dont even want to know what a-pool will be like)


I've been in the BDCP program since July, and I graduate May 2010, but the OCS date I've been given is January 2011...is this gap common?

Also, I've been accepted for NFO, but I don't have the greatest vision in the world (granted I passed all the physicals, etc.). I've been told that I have some astigmatism. I'm nervous that my eyesight will disqualify me eventually, especially during the flight physical...would it be a good idea to get some sort of corrective eye surgery (PRK looks like the better choice from what I've read on here so far) before I go to OCS?

Thanks in advance

That's a long time between graduation and OCS. I feel that this is highly unlikely. I don't have a date in the system yet because, according to the people at my NRD, flight school is pretty backed up and they're not sure when they want to send me.

Maybe the January 2011 is a placeholder or something?


Active Member
Nevermind, it's going to fall on deaf ears.

Good luck. Timing is everything.


New Member
I should clarify that I do not have any glasses/contacts and I can see fine...it's the far away stuff that starts to get blurry. I don't know if it would be considered "DQ" but I just don't want to get all the way through and then something treateable prevent me from going NFO.

I don't mind waiting around for OCS. I just see it as more time to get prepared physically and mentally. I was just concerned because I had been told up till now that the OCS date would be a few months after college graduation. However, getting a check for waiting (and building up time in service) doesn't sound too bad.

Thanks for the info.


New Member

I have a theoretical question for you guys. And no this did not actually happen im just curious. What would happen if someone in BDCP were to get a Minor In Possession charge? Have you ever heard of this happening?