Good afternoon, all. I had a question for anyone who may be able to help me out. I'm wanting to get into the BDCP, hopefully as SNFO, but I have horrible vision. My recruiter told me I could get PRK surgery, but then I'd have to wait a year before entering the program. I was confused about this, so I messaged a tech at NAMI. He told me that the wait period was 3 months for a waiver, and that he thought it would apply for BDCP as well. So now I'm completely confused and have no idea what to think. Any helpful advice?
A while back I saw 6 months was the wait time. I'm not sure though because it does not apply directly to me. I would imagine you can apply for BDCP when you are in the timeframe to receive a waiver but not before you get the surgery. I recommend talking to your recruiter and asking feddoc who is a member of this website. Feddoc is very help with questions applying to the medical side of things. Don't put too much weight on my info though because I know very little. Do you even need PRK to qualify for NFO? I thought the vision standards for NFO only required a corrected vision of 20/20 and you can use contacts. It might be wise to look into it and gather all the information before making a decision.