nba1290- From what I understand through other applicants and my recruiter, that the choice does not happen that way. BDCP allotments are for each board, and are considered competive overall, and then compared against other BDCP applicants. The DA applicants are compared to each other because they are in competetion for the same OCS spots, whereas BDCP are not. BDCP is all about potential, moreso than normal DA applicants. For example, say there are going to be appox. 15 BDCP FY 2012 for intel. And you have to be sworn in for BDCP greater that 12 but less that 24(for non tech degrees) months before OCS. So those chosen for FY 2012 are most likely to be chosen between Dec 2009-Dec 2010 roughly. And 8 spots have gone to tech degrees already. That leaves 7 spots to be chosen between those dates. So 7/12 months someone will be selected, or perhaps in groups. So while the starting standards are going to be greater and the selection numbers less, it is not a matter of someone who is able to go to OCS in two months versus someone who can go in two years. Sorry if there are some typing errors, I have major glare on my laptop right now.
Each desginator will have varing numbers, these are just based off of a posting on that had either the numbers for fy 2010 or 2009 for intel DA transfer, etc. I'll post the link once I relocate the post.
If that doesn't work, it is on the first page of the Intel/IW Jan 2010 Boards under the Intel forum. The BDCP numbers I am having more trouble locating, but you can see where out of that 70 so many would be already filled through BDCP.