The reason they make you sign stuff is not to magically prevent all misconduct, it is so you can be brought up on charges for ART 92, disobeying order/regulation if a problem comes up. It makes it easier if there is a signed acknowledgement that you were 100% aware of the order/regulation.
...and "false official statement," to be more on point. Not knowing a regulation isn't a defense for breaking it.
Regardless, the signed statement bit is taken to ridiculous extremes nowadays. I wrote that my plans this weekend were to mow the lawn. Instead, I cleaned the garage. Now I've just commited a crime. How about I decided to get plowed and drive home? Well, I knew no one was going to sign off my ORM sheet on THAT...
You knew it was wrong. You did it anyway. That's plenty of basis for charges, paperwork or not.
Everyone knows what gouge is and what cheating is. If someone tells you what to know or what to study, it's gouge. If someone tells you the answers, it's cheating. Pretty simple. Don't need a written statement to figure that out.