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20 dead at Va Tech


Cobra Wife
Its a sin and a shame sh*t like this happens... prayers to families and friends of the victims. I know ALOT of VT alums... they are not taking this easy.

Fox is currently reporting that the shooter is among the dead.

I concur. This is not easy to take or understand. I actually lived in West AJ (the site of shooting number 1) when I was a freshman.


Hypertension Anyone?
My prayers are with every member of the Virginia Tech Community, students, faculty, admistrators and alum and also their families and friends.

While we are relieved to hear the NROTC unit is safe and accounted for, we are devastated for everyone involved. It will be a long, painful recovery for those in the crossfire and those who lost loved ones. They will never be the same.

Prayers are all I have to offer.


Well-Known Member
this is why we train in fast response active shooter scenarios at our police depts, too bad it couldnt work fast enough in this situation


UO Future Pork Chop
Yeah, I remember reading after Columbine, Police departments started training regular officers to go tactical instead of waiting for SWAT to arrive.

One problem with this situation is that the first shots were originally fired around 7:30, and then the rest of the shooting happened at 9:30..two HOURS in between. Unless I missed something in the news articles, the police f-ed up by not apprehending him after the first shooting. The school shouldn't have resumed classes, either.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Let's not turn this into a political discussion, please. Bad enough that 32 people had to die without anybody hijacking it for their pet cause, left or right. Hindsight is always 20/20 and the initial reports are never right. That said, what a damned shame. Prayers as above for the innocents involved and their families.


New Member
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families, students, and faculty. What a tragedy! What is the point of someone doing something like this? It's just horrible.


UO Future Pork Chop
Man...they said he was Asian, too...not that it makes it any better or worse...I hope people don't start stereotyping my race as cold-blooded killers now.


Well-Known Member
Why were the cops hunkered down outside with M16s/AR15s while he was still shooting?

It has to do with typical SOP in that situation. Basic premise used by most departments is to courdon and contain around the area involved to prevent the shooter from fleeing or moving to a new area to inflict damage. There is some good reasoning about this, it allows for good officer communication and provides informations for the Commander on scene to be able to build a picture of the scenario. Unfortunately its an adaptation of doctrine used for hostage scenarios its slow as hell and doesnt work in a situation with an active shooter who is not concerned with survival/escape.

Could they have done it differnt, sure they could but we dont have the same informations the officers did at the time they were making decisions out there in the field therefor we deffinately dont have any right to pass judgement on the actions of the officers.


Making Recruiting Great Again
My thoughts and prayers go out to those victimized by this tragic incident. It's a shame that many innocent lives were taken due to one madman.


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!

when the second shooting happened, a "person of interest" was being questioned at the site of the first shooting. the initial lockdown had already been lifted.

i've gone to both a very small school and a school abt the size of VT. at the smaller school, the density of the buildings and classrooms would have made something like this so much more tragic. at the larger school, it would have been very difficult to notify everyone, unless a PA system was used. not everyone checks "school issued" email all day long.

the guy was serious: chained a door, bullet-proof vest, but not knowing that, if law enforcement has good reason to believe that it was an isolated domestic dispute, why would they shut down and entire college campus?

i don't think that anyone can blame campus police, local police, or SWAT right now.

like many of you, i have connections to the hokies. thought, hearts and prayers to everyone.