Hey class 09.
I'm in class 08, but was DQ'd from flight- not to discourage, but it happens a lot. For all of the aviation people, keep in mind that it is a possibility and you may choose to re-designate(SWO, supply, etc).
As far as what to bring,
Nobody checks to see if you actually brought Whitey-tighteys. Just make sure you have white and black. They will check your stubble with a credit card...make sure you shave every day.
Girls: once again, nobody is looking at your underwear, make sure you have enough white and black. Unfortunately, the PT shirts are see-through, make sure your white sports bras don't have a logo. Go ahead and put your hair in a bun for check in, it will save you trouble later. Also, bring hair gel, hair ties, and a bathing suit!
Everyone bring the necessities: running shoes, shampoo/conditioner, soap, deo, toothbrush/toothpaste, towels/washcloths, hair brush, SPORTS WATCH, stamps. Everything else is provided.
To save everyone the trouble go ahead and lace your running shoes "outboard over inboard"
It is a shell shock. There aren't any other words to describe the excitement and anxiety. Nothing you do will be correct or fast enough, that's the point. Trust the process and know your gouge!!!
Sample schedule:
Day 1: check in to Calaghan Hall. You'll do a lot of paperwork and get your pt gear/room assignment. You will learn how to address the Candios (DO NOT CALL THEM SIR/MA'AM), you will say "aye or yes/no candidate officer".
Day 2: Medical and more paperwork. You will learn chow hall procedures and learn the basic procedures of OCS.
Day 3: More Medical/ paperwork.
Day 4: IST. Be in the best shape. You will run on an indoor track that takes about 19--21 laps to make a mile and a half.
Day 5: You will learn more procedures. Some of you will fail the IST and be "rolled" into Holding, don't panic. Work hard and you will class up.
Day 6: "First Friday". You will be RPT'd over and over again. This is the day you meet your class team- your DI and your RDC's.
The rest you'll learn along the way. Don't get discouraged, you will question yourselves, but you've already came this far. The training staff is here to form you into a Naval Officer, trust in them and give them your absolute best. You can do this!