Seeking advice. I graduated in December with a BS in Business Admin/Marketing. I worked on my university's campus as an intern in our Admissions office, so now that I'm living back at home I don't have a job. Obviously there is no guarantee I will be selected this go board (or any board going forward). I'm in a weird spot this early in post grad.
So here's the question(s): Should I seek a full time position or part time? Will this affect my NASIS?
Along with what others have recommended - go for the full time job. I wouldn't bat an eye at having to leave only several months into a new job (they haven't invested all that much into you anyway). Plus keep this in mind: most companies do not care about you, you are an asset that they will without hesitation let go of if their cost/benefits don't work out. The most at risk employees in every crisis (this one has shown the same) are brand new hires and old-timers anyway.
Since getting selected isn't a definite, take the job and eliminate your downside of being unemployed and non-selected. It will ease your nerves too knowing that you can comfortably apply for the next board as well. You might even learn a couple things, I know my time at corporate taught me a lot of useful stuff (and that I don't want to be there long term).
In my particular situation, I'm pretty lucky. My bosses all know I'm dead set on being Navy bound and are supportive (one's a West Pointer, the other a former AMDO).