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Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
What dictates who’s packet gets pushed to the next board? And is that truly what it means for your name to not be on the at board list? It’s definitely not first come first serve.
Good question, not sure. Sometimes entire NRD's are pushed to the next board. They may just select at random until they get to a number they allow (as dictated by the GENOFF Dashboard numbers).
Had and extensive convo with my OR said this board was for highly recommend candidates. Whatever that means. He said Navy was taking a “wholistic approach” to this application. So scores were not everything.
The good news when that happens is you can immediately apply to the next board, versus getting a non-select and having to alter a packet to make the next board, which is logistically challenging. If I was someone pushed to the next board based on that info I'd start looking at my application and looking at what my be glaringly bad to a board for it to be pushed like that, if that is indeed true.


Had and extensive convo with my OR said this board was for highly recommend candidates. Whatever that means. He said Navy was taking a “wholistic approach” to this application. So scores were not everything.

It means we’re all special:29411

I would hope the application review is holistic. There’s much more to a person than scores/numbers. And aren’t highly recommended candidates go through the rolling board instead? Or does that not exist anymore?

I didn’t know an entire NRD could be pushed to the next board. From my previous conversations with an OR, he basically told me that if something was missing in your application, you’d automatically get rolled into the next. But he also explained that even though you have everything submitted on time, it’s up to the next person in that wonderful chain of command to do their job and ensure they push your application up — which is why recruiters stress (at least to me) to submit everything early.

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
I would hope the application review is holistic. There’s much more to a person than scores/numbers. And aren’t highly recommended candidates go through the rolling board instead? Or does that not exist anymore?
No rolling boards right now.
I didn’t know an entire NRD could be pushed to the next board. From my previous conversations with an OR, he basically told me that if something was missing in your application, you’d automatically get rolled into the next. But he also explained that even though you have everything submitted on time, it’s up to the next person in that wonderful chain of command to do their job and ensure they push your application up — which is why recruiters stress (at least to me) to submit everything early.
That is what it appeared to be because whole NRD's were missing from October's at board list. Sometimes an NRD submits the last day, maybe made a mistake on all the applications and they may all get rolled. It could also be that the OR is "sandbagging" the kits and is purposefully waiting for the next board to submit, hopefully not @thebullet914 . I think the biggest issue with this January board is the lack of allowable 1st and 2nd choice kits, that's why so many people got rolled. That's out of the hands of the OR's and applicants.

Coffee & JP8

Well-Known Member
So I skimmed 30 pages as fast as I could as soon as I saw a discussion about at board list. Do we know for a fact the board has convened or was that heresay? Forgive me if I missed it somewhere


Well-Known Member
I would hope the application review is holistic. There’s much more to a person than scores/numbers. And aren’t highly recommended candidates go through the rolling board instead? Or does that not exist anymore?

I didn’t know an entire NRD could be pushed to the next board. From my previous conversations with an OR, he basically told me that if something was missing in your application, you’d automatically get rolled into the next. But he also explained that even though you have everything submitted on time, it’s up to the next person in that wonderful chain of command to do their job and ensure they push your application up — which is why recruiters stress (at least to me) to submit everything early.

When it comes to aviation it comes down to money, it cost money to send people through the aviation pipeline, it cost more money to train aviators than it does IWC, SWO, Supply and as such they go with the best indicator which is the PFAR or FOFAR. I can't tell you how many people I have seen go "I was a D1 team captain for XXX" or "I was president of my sorority" and they were not picked because they had minimum scores. I saw a guy with a 3.5 something in engineering get denied twice until his scores hit 8's. If a person wants their application to be looked at for everything they have done they should apply to a Supply board as they are pretty much the only one that does that.

Rolling boards have not been used for years, like many other things they are on the books so if they decide to use them in the future they can as it is easier to have something and not use it than want to use something and need to get it approved from scratch again.

If something is missing it will get kicked back to the NRD as it needs to be corrected before going to board, if there is enough time it can be submitted back to NRC, some NRD's will hold kits like was mentioned to "sandbag" or try to "game" the system and that often never works out for those that try it, now it can help the ones that push the kits forward as better chance for their submissions to get selected. The other option could be that the approving person at the NRD drags their feet and then they are not uploaded in time, I saw it where 1 processor was on leave and they other had many kits to upload the next day which was the deadline but then she ended up being sick so all those people missed the deadline.