Bro don’t give up hope just yet, unless you are 32 and everything working against you you still have a chance to become a Naval Officer. You have my prayers and I hope you get in, I can almost guarantee you that it was an administrative error and even if your recruiter did screw up you can apply to next board with a different recruiter, FIND A WAY! (not knowing your age), if you got a Pro Rec N FUCK IT! Add to your package and resubmit for the next board coming up soon. I’m prior enlisted and submitted an officer package 4 times through 3 different officer programs, once through Naval Academy, two times through STA-21 while active duty, then I got out got 2 degrees bachelors and an MBA and then reapplied with 3 years out of service and got picked up, we’re all here for you bad do you want it!