Chad Cooper
Active Member
Sir,Everyone should be flying (if you're not driving here) into T.F. Green (PVD) airport which is just outside Providence, RI. Orange Cab runs a shuttle to Newport and can access the base. If you use your report letter (those of you that aren't priors) you can stay at the Navy Gateway Inns on base. It is much cheaper than out in town and you won't need to get another cab to get to base. Call them and make a reservation for the shuttle at (401) 841-0020.
If you decide to stay off base for the night prior to reporting that is fine, but here is some tips: 1. make the reservation through the hotel directly (ie NOT on Travelocity, etc) because you need to retain a copy of the receipt from the hotel for reimbursement on your travel claim; 2. You can call Orange Cab to pick you up at the hotel and drive you onto base. DO NOT plan on walking. It is a very long walk. My rec: Arrange some groups through this site and the FB group. Work together.
If you're driving then you will need your reporting orders and your driver's license in order to access base. Once on follow the signs for "OCS Arrivals" and the Candi-Os will help direct you to the student parking lot. And I'll just put this out there... Do NOT plan on being able to access your car very much, and DO NOT plan on storing items that are prohibited in your cars to be had when you do access it (ie candy, cigarettes, cell phones, etc). There are always eyes on you one way or another here so why risk the punishment, but more importantly... have some integrity and honor and don't do something you know you're not supposed to.
If anyone has any travel concerns let me know so I can help you.
My orders are a little confusing. They say report NET 25SEP NLT 26SEP. Then later on in the "when directed separate" part of the orders it says report NET 27SEP NLT 27SEP. When do I need to be there? I don't mind staying the night in a hotel I just don't want to get there too early and them not be ready for us yet.