Hey all! As a proud OCS grad I have a few tidbits of advice, take it or leave it. 1. Bring a brand new to very newish pair of running shoes. 2. Be ready for the IST, if you fail, you roll. No orange belt, you roll. That means 3 more weeks (at least): that being said, be sure you can do pushups with a straight back and that your elbows break 90 degrees when down, be able to do correct sit-ups, be able to run. Go to the OCS website program requirements page to get the specifics on the PRT. Be ready! 3. Eliminate the words "I cant," "I quit," or in OCS terminology "I D.O.R." from your vocab. You have worked hard to get to OCS, don't let a little pain and pressure scare you away. Your future commission is worth it. 4. The required knowledge for verbatim memorization is on the OCS website. Do yourself a favor and learn as much of it as possible before reporting aboard. Your brains are going to get so packed with knowledge while there the more you can prepare, the more successful you'll be. 5. Come prepared with the right items. Go to the OCS website and look at the list under required paperwork/items of what to bring. Part of being a Naval Officer is being prepared which means doing your homework to know what is required. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Good luck, and welcome to the best damn Navy in the world.