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Well-Known Member
So I guess the word I received was official in some capacity. I informed my NRD I would be willing to leave earlier then August and they asked if I would be willing to leave this Saturday.
I Know somebody who got pushed back from this class due to an injury. I wonder if that’s where the spot opened up from.


Well-Known Member
So have any of you received an actual pro req y? Or are people only calling it a pro req once they’ve been given a seat in an OCS class?
wait to hear from our own recruiters and for our own "official" results, or for a list to come out officially.

My recruiter explicitly said Pro Y, I didn’t extrapolate. He said Pro Y, OCS date 3 May NFO approved. And then when I asked him later if that date was tentative or a placeholder, he said it was my actual date and that FINSEL is just for your specific program. So idk how much more official it can be...but all this talk on here has got me nervous. No processor has contacted me yet, but idk if that’s just because a list isn’t out, or if they won’t reach out until closer to May. But I hope it’s a real Y, because I’ve told all my close friends and family already...

Are you talking about final select letters? Because if that's the case it makes since on why results are taking so long.

I thought we didn’t get FINSELs until like 1-2 weeks before leaving? wouldn’t that indicate none of us will get anything anytime soon? So for me it wouldn’t be until mid April

Pool Boy

Well-Known Member
My recruiter explicitly said Pro Y, I didn’t extrapolate. He said Pro Y, OCS date 3 May NFO approved. And then when I asked him later if that date was tentative or a placeholder, he said it was my actual date and that FINSEL is just for your specific program. So idk how much more official it can be...but all this talk on here has got me nervous. No processor has contacted me yet, but idk if that’s just because a list isn’t out, or if they won’t reach out until closer to May.

I thought we didn’t get FINSELs until like 1-2 weeks before leaving? wouldn’t that indicate none of us will get anything anytime soon? So for me it wouldn’t be until mid April
I honestly feel of your recruiter told you Y
*ahem dibs
I also have a sweet detachment for work taking a MQ8-C to San Diego for a convention. So it’s kinda a win win.


Well-Known Member
My recruiter explicitly said Pro Y, I didn’t extrapolate. He said Pro Y, OCS date 3 May NFO approved. And then when I asked him later if that date was tentative or a placeholder, he said it was my actual date and that FINSEL is just for your specific program. So idk how much more official it can be...but all this talk on here has got me nervous. No processor has contacted me yet, but idk if that’s just because a list isn’t out, or if they won’t reach out until closer to May. But I hope it’s a real Y, because I’ve told all my close friends and family already...

I thought we didn’t get FINSELs until like 1-2 weeks before leaving? wouldn’t that indicate none of us will get anything anytime soon? So for me it wouldn’t be until mid April
Yes, historically that's been the case you get your FINSEL letter a week or two before you ship out. However, with what has been mention here, and this extra long wait time, it could be that they are getting everyone FINSELs letters done first before they release results. This is just a guess, but it's possible this is the new way NRC is doing things.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling that many recruiters won’t tell us class dates as they’re waiting for something official. I guess some recruiters play it more safe than others.
I wish my recruiter would tell me if I had a class date, official or not. It definitely would help bring peace of mind to my family with all this waiting.