E5B said:Those are the twin engine "deltas", only ones left in the USMC fleet. Ospreys are supposed to replace them. The second sqdn is close to 'converting', phrogpilot73, phrogdriver you'd know...
ChuckMK23 said:Do CH-53D's even deploy anymore? Are there any in OEF/OIF? Seems like USMC just keeps them around to fill numbers while the toads running the V-22 program get their act together.
All -53E's in theatre right now. However, I have heard that they're planning on rotating D's in next rotation. Additionally, they've started doing UDPs to Okinawa. There are no more good deals in the Marine Corps.E5B said:Not %100 on this one, phrogdriver, Q-ball back me up on this. I'm pretty sure there isn't any USMC Deltas in theater. They were deploying to Oki but they crashed one into a school or something and not to sure if they are still doing that gig.
We need some Delta guys on the Forum. There is one that's in the RAG here in New River on the forum.
Just 263 has been decomissioned thusfar. They'll be the first to convert. When 162 gets back from their boat ride, they'll be stood down and convert to "The Devil's Whirlybird."E5B said:Those are the twin engine "deltas", only ones left in the USMC fleet. Ospreys are supposed to replace them. The second sqdn is close to 'converting', phrogpilot73, phrogdriver you'd know...
BigIron said:53s seem to turn heads everywhere they fly...shock, horrify, amaze. It's a helo about the same size as a C-130.
Ryoukai said:If you like seeing -53's fly around, come to Hawaii sometime. You can see the Marines hotdogging and show boating all over the place. I can't say I know the rules to their game, but from what I've seen it appears to be, "who can fly the lowest and not hit anything". "Anything" includes such items as buildings, cars on the freeway, the ocean...MY FREGGIN' HOUSE WHEN I'M TAKING A NAP.
phrogpilot73 said:Nice pics of the $hitter externalling an F-15. Notice the modex - EH. That's an HMM-264(REIN) CH-53E from LF6F 1-03. Went on deployment with those guys. The big deck headed to Florida, and the little decks went to Moorehead City. That's when the 53 externalled the F-15 in Florida. Still not as sexy as those Phrogs they're landing behind...