Preliminary report shows the Pilots did follow Boeing's procedure but were still unable to recover.
This article discusses how, due to "excessive manual trim forces," it is possible for the 737 Max to be unrecoverable after disabling electric trim at normal airspeeds.
What a shame that everyone so quickly jumped to blaming the pilots because of the country and airline involved...
I am a little wary of putting a lot of stock in the initial results, this investigation has become very political to the point where the Ethiopians didn't give the 'black boxes' to the NTSB or Brits to examine but the French because they didn't trust the NTSB, notwithstanding the fact the NTSB is the best in the world at what they do. I would not put it past a national investigatory authority to try and portray their own countrymen favorably as it has happened before, like Tenerife.
Why not wait for the technical investigation to end before using your jump-to-conclusions mat?