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A Lost Generation?


New Member
Here's a great article written by a former Marine. It's nice to see an article like this in the mainstream. I believe it voices a very real concern. It also reminds me that, as Naval Aviators, while our main focus is flying our particular aircraft to the best of our abilities, we must always remember we are ambassadors for a military that is extremely vital to the freedom of the American people, but is losing favor with the generation that may need it the most...



Mr. Blonde

My ass is a motherfuckin' champion
There's probably a direct correllation between declining patriotism and the political correctness in our environment along with the pussification of America's youth. Too many young people have a sense of entitlement and lack a strong work ethic.


Well-Known Member
I think there are definitely a lot of issues with my generation but I don't think the examples in the article are relevant at all. The Middies getting booed at Rutgers? Come on, that kind of crap happens at every Rutgers game (not to mention most other games at any other school). Yeah, the students didn't give the Mids special treatment as a result of the commitment they made to this country but since when has that ever happened? The Ward Churchill thing? Assholes always have a pulpit, it's the great thing about this country even though it pisses me off to hear their drivel sometimes. Same with Ahmadinejad. He's a lunatic who needs several repeated stomps to the face but his being given a chance to demonstrate the true depth of his insanity is not really a reflection on a generation. It was definitely refreshing to hear Lee Bollinger tell him how much of a jackass he really is though. If Mr. Zumwalt really wants to see the root of the problem, I think he should take a look at why kids are being given all sorts of privelege and excessive protection from the world while being allowed to never personal responsibility for anything in their lives :icon_rage.

/end rant


New Member
I think there are definitely a lot of issues with my generation but I don't think the examples in the article are relevant at all. The Middies getting booed at Rutgers? Come on, that kind of crap happens at every Rutgers game (not to mention most other games at any other school). Yeah, the students didn't give the Mids special treatment as a result of the commitment they made to this country but since when has that ever happened? The Ward Churchill thing? Assholes always have a pulpit, it's the great thing about this country even though it pisses me off to hear their drivel sometimes. Same with Ahmadinejad. He's a lunatic who needs several repeated stomps to the face but his being given a chance to demonstrate the true depth of his insanity is not really a reflection on a generation. It was definitely refreshing to hear Lee Bollinger tell him how much of a jackass he really is though. If Mr. Zumwalt really wants to see the root of the problem, I think he should take a look at why kids are being given all sorts of privelege and excessive protection from the world while being allowed to never personal responsibility for anything in their lives :icon_rage.

/end rant

True, Zumwalt may have a biased view of the world, as we all do, but there's no denying that the Nation's University system is liberally biased and, if anything, contributing to the selfish, "protected" persona found in alot of today's youth. Freedom of speech is definitly one of this country's most amazing liberties and, yes, it does even give the "a**holes a pulpit", but somebody needs to stand up and say, "hey, don't applaude this guy, he is an a**hole!" (maybe in not so many words;)) from time to time.

Meanwhile, let's all realize that as officers we are in the unique position of responsibility where, if truly in it to serve your country, we can be the example of what it means to believe in the ideals that have made this country so strong.

Oh yeah, and fly some bada** aircraft...

By the way, the sort of thing mentioned in the article does not always happen at Rutger's games. I was at one in '04, Navy v Rutgers, and it was a great game with no students booing the Navy side...if anything, this is an indicator of how quickly this generation can be persuaded to bash its military when times get tough (i.e. a long, drawn out war), by none other than the liberal University system....


it’s just malfeasance for malfeasance’s sake
He makes some good points, and I agree that we may be in trouble with this generation. I do think he makes a little too much out the Rutgers thing though.
Too many young people have a sense of entitlement and lack a strong work ethic.
I think this is spot on too.


why kids are being given all sorts of privelege and excessive protection from the world while being allowed to never personal responsibility for anything in their lives :icon_rage.

/end rant

That's why I think everyone male should be forced to join the military at the age of 18, or atleast not be given certain rights/privileges until they do so.


Well-Known Member
That's why I think everyone male should be forced to join the military at the age of 18, or atleast not be given certain rights/privileges until they do so.

Ok Starship Troopers... that wasn't a quasi fascist state or anything... with no military experience my opinion is based off of nothing substantial, but I've I'm lucky enough to be selected I want to know the guy next to has the same desire to be there that I do, not just some twat that is being forced to serve so he can have full rights and privileges... but like I said I have no military experience so that opinion is basically me talking out my ass.


That's why I think everyone male should be forced to join the military at the age of 18, or atleast not be given certain rights/privileges until they do so.

Been reading Starship Troopers lately? :)

Your screen name wouldn't have anything to do with that book, would it?


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Ok Starship Troopers... that wasn't a quasi fascist state or anything . . .
No, actually, it wasn't. Have you read the book? Can you define fascism? Not saying I agree wholeheartedly with the premise either, but let's define terms before throwing the other "f" word around. Godwin's Law and all, you know.:icon_tong


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
That's why I think everyone male should be forced to join the military at the age of 18, or atleast not be given certain rights/privileges until they do so.

Great... just what we need, a bunch of people who don't want to be in the military taking up space.

And guys, you're missing the forest for the trees if you think this kind of brainwashing starts in college. We're turning these kids into drug addicted, coddled, selfish little bastards way before that...


Great... just what we need, a bunch of people who don't want to be in the military taking up space.

And guys, you're missing the forest for the trees if you think this kind of brainwashing starts in college. We're turning these kids into drug addicted, coddled, selfish little bastards way before that...
Along those lines: San Francisco considers opening injection rooms where it is legal to inject heroin...

A fun little quote from the article:
"The law isn't a barrier," [Temple University law professor Scott] Burris said. "The issue of whether it's legal doesn't come up until somebody is arrested."


Well-Known Member
No, actually, it wasn't. Have you read the book? Can you define fascism? Not saying I agree wholeheartedly with the premise either, but let's define terms before throwing the other "f" word around. Godwin's Law and all, you know.:icon_tong

I actually haven't read the book, I was basing my opinion off the movie. The imagery used in the movie does give a bit of a fascist feel... but I guess I'll have to read the book so I don't put my foot in my mouth for future references


Well-Known Member
While I was hopeful that the post-911 America had learned something from the events of that horrible day, I stand amazed every day that we are just as naive as ever, and more and more hateful to those who protect us. It's amazing. I don't know if our citizens will ever learn, but it doesn't seem like it is in the near future. What is it going to take? America suffering the same fate as Israel with daily terrorist attacks and bombings? Will people get it then? These countries want nothing but to kill people, and ESPECIALLY America and western culture, and the military is there to PROTECT our citizens, yet they hate us...frustrating. I don't know about anyone else on here, but I certainly have "friends" I don't talk to anymore since I "actually went through with it" and put on the uniform.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want anybody in the military that doesn't have it in their heart to be there. That is what makes our military so great. Men and women who choose for THEMSELVES to dedicate their lives to something bigger then them. I would agree though that it should me manditory to join some sort of civil service after high school as a way of giving something back to a our country. Be it Military or Americorps. Too many people are just taking and taking from this country and it makes me sick.