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A Women as a Blue Angel


Hangar Four
(hopefully I can convey this properly)
The primary mission of the demo teams as I understand it is as a recruiting tool. Most of us here probably don't need them, but if I'm a college student looking for a job, all I may know about the military is whatever truths and/or misconceptions my friends and family have.

The demo teams are meant to show that ordinary people can do extraordinary things with determination and training. The hard part is convincing that college student that ordinary folks do go into this business. If all I saw at airshows were creatures with 4 arms and 6 eyes, I would believe that with a mere 2 arms and eyes, that is well beyond my skill set. Simplistic view but hopefully illustrative.

Huh? :confused:


Ask me about ninjas!
I think what winger was trying to get at was something along these lines: Military flight demonstration teams are invaluable recruiting tools, but that if all people saw was white guys standing by the jets, it might intimidate people who, although very qualified, didn't fit that mold. I know that I've had the question, "How come all the pilots/officers/people in charge are white guys," before. Considering the source of the question (see firefriendly's signiture), I doubt that mindset is really all that prevalent, but if one person's asked it, there has to be more people out there who are thinking it.


Summarize, in 1) my view the average grad male or female from advanced jets with appropriate training could be a blue angel. 2) Hard to go into a career where you have no role models you can relate to.


Registered User
UInavy said:
I would have to say that that attitude is not present in today's Navy, however. It's a shame that its present in the AF, but they've got other problems (ascotts anyone?). Nittany and beau, would you agree that flight training today in the Navy is more of a 'perform or get out' attitude for everyone, regardless of gender? I just have a hard time swallowing when Joe Civilian thinks that there is 'well-deserved concern' about females that are in training or the fleet today. Maybe its a leftover misconception from a decade ago, but I have never seen it lately.

It's hard to say from a Studs point of view, since we dont get to see what goes on....but from that limited point of view everything seems cool....but there are almost no Female Studs in my Squadron......when I say "almost no".....I mean one...and she is locked on good to go.....so I cant really vouch overall since I dont have the "birds eye" view of the training command. This is kind of a "tread lightly" subject as it is but an important one none-the-less.


Ex-Rhino driver
UInavy said:
Hell, if you take it back to OCS, I saw (and heard of in the year after I left) several instances of guys that should have been kicked out for outrageous cheating/lying, but they weren't. .

That’s funny as hell. Hypocrisy is a bitvh.:D


Naval Aviator
Hey, as long as you don't loudly proclaim "This is going to be the first all-female formation flight by students this fiscal year!"

It's a misquote, but not by much...eyeball rolls by men and women alike

Like I said, when it comes to race or sex, somebody somewhere decided we have to keep score.

Yeah, but that person shouldn't be a member of said all-female formation flight. 2005 marks 28 YEARS of women flying all-female formations, one of the first being in TA-4s, so why is it a big deal in the Turbo Weenie? A. It ain't, and bring back the A-4.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
You may not like the -45, but hey, at least they're not training you (yet) to be a UAV operator. It's got an engine, an ejections eat, and can climb high for those fast cross-country instrument hops. AND... it seems that it's not too difficult to go on the road (unless the command climate has changed). The big downside is that you can't carry any limes! (read: go CODs)


working, working, working ...
The Blues did select a female I believe for the Herc a couple of years ago. However, rumor has it she declined it in the end for family reasons.

This is true. She was my onwing in primary and left for the Blues while I was in HTs. I am not sure of the reason she did not fly with them.