The previous superintendent, now-retired Vice Adm. Rodney P. Rempt, opened the trials for parents and sponsors to watch, but the new superintendent, Vice Adm. Jeffrey L. Fowler, aims to make Sea Trials more of a training exercise. Also under Adm. Rempt, the week before Commissioning Week for seniors was called Recognition Week, for the freshmen and their families. That week of festivities will be curtailed, Cmdr. Austin said, and the term "Recognition Week" will no longer be used."Completing plebe year is an important first step in the development of midshipmen," he said, "but it is just one of many significant elements in a four-year process." The Plebe Parents Dinner and the Welcome Parade, all parts of the week of celebrations, "have been discontinued," Cmdr. Austin said. Under the previous administration, the Herndon Climb was followed by the Plebe Recognition Ceremony, when freshmen received the insignia of third year midshipmen. Now, the ceremony has been abolished, Cmdr. Austin said. "Promotion to midshipman third class (sophomores) will occur upon graduation of the Class of 2008 on May 23," Cmdr. Austin said.