Was the one you're talking about that went to NAPS a former OIC for plebe summer, say 07's plebe summer?
Yes, and I was part of the mandatory firstie detail that summer.
Was the one you're talking about that went to NAPS a former OIC for plebe summer, say 07's plebe summer?
Yeah, she was great to have around. Mandatory firstie detail? The all firstie detail didn't start until 08's plebe summer I thought?
I'm not "Smartypants", but the answer is HYDROPHONES... :icon_tongOkay, Mr. Smartypants, what are they called, for those of us who don't make a living dipping microphones in the water?
Oh yeah.
That's not really the complete answer because sonobuoys, dipping sonars, hull mounted sonars, towed arrays and SOSUS have hyrdrophones. I think a SOSUS array would be called a sea bottom mounted hydrophone array.I'm not "Smartypants", but the answer is HYDROPHONES... :icon_tong
Do I win anything???? :icon_smil
That's not really the complete answer because sonobuoys, dipping sonars, hull mounted sonars, towed arrays and SOSUS have hyrdrophones. I think a SOSUS array would be called a sea bottom mounted hydrophone array.