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ACCP Question(s)


Registered User
If I dump my efforts to get the tour I want next and go to the boat, I'm sure I'd make DH. However...I'm not sure I want to actually do that to myself. Maybe I'll just go back home, open an Irish pub and call it good.

Count me in...I have some ideas about this...and I could use a partner. No shit!


Well-Known Member
Ah, the 8 year commitment.

BUPERS tried to give me the "You are YG02, (was at the time) , you owe 8"..

I produced my OCS/BDCP contract showing 7. :D

(that's how I'm on the bonus already)


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I feel like no one knows yet! Here in the TRACOM world I hear of several people taking 1-yr IAs with the idea of coming back to VT-XX, extending until their comittment is up, then getting out. But that is certainly not the majority. None of the first year group (02) with the 8-yr comittment is up for DH yet.

IAs on the front side of their shore tour followed by the full 2.5ish tour?


Out to Pasture
IAs on the front side of their shore tour followed by the full 2.5ish tour?

Anytime during the shore tour really....

Current BUPERS "policy" is that you extend the same number of months you are in country on an IA. You don't have to, but you can.

Expect to get the full court press to leave at the original PRD to stay "on time" and "compete" for the DH screen.

Wings + 8: For those that don't go IA to match their PRD and MSR, you need to think about the competition for FITREPS now that far less people will be getting out, going SELRES, going FTS, etc. The competition for the shore tour EP is/will be a lot stiffer.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I've always been led to believe (by the hinges) that it was JO sea tour performance as well as your shore tour that were considered the most w/ DH selection and ur dissasociated factored into O5 and CO boards due to their timeing... and if you were an EP player as a JO and went to a community deemed worthy tour you should be ok (provided screen rates don't drop to the low 30% like they did 5-6 years or so ago)...

Have things changed due to the 8yr commitment keeping people around past their shore tours before they can get out?

I'm on the 7yr plan, as with MB. They did try to say I was on the 8yr plan but after producing my OCS agreement, they shut up.

With more people staying in the DH board will get harder. If you do something a few steps off the "golden path", but otherwise had a solid JO sea tour (w/ EP) and a good shore tour (VP-30, VTs, FDNF, etc), you can be fairly flexible on your second sea tour - doing things like VPU or other non-traditional tours is OK. However, if you do something kinda out there for a second sea tour, or you somehow get a drug deal to do another shore tour (very rare), then you're pretty much hosed for DH I would imagine.

I don't know about other communities, but in general, VP isn't terribly friendly to people being adventurous.

IAs are good, but they can't make up for a weak record. If you're an MP out of the first sea tour, or have some other low mark on your record, you're going to need more than an IA.


Well-Known Member
In addition to gerater competition for that EP, I'm curious to see how the 8-yr committment affects SELRES/FTS selections. It seems to me from previous selections that currency in an aircraft is one of the factors they look at- eventually very few will be able to go SELRES/FTS right out of a VT or FRS shore tour. I think this changes the landscape of rank structure as well- if you go complete a disassociated first, your FTS guys would for the most part be coming in as O-4 selects.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
In addition to gerater competition for that EP, I'm curious to see how the 8-yr committment affects SELRES/FTS selections. It seems to me from previous selections that currency in an aircraft is one of the factors they look at- eventually very few will be able to go SELRES/FTS right out of a VT or FRS shore tour. I think this changes the landscape of rank structure as well- if you go complete a disassociated first, your FTS guys would for the most part be coming in as O-4 selects.

Over the last few board selections, I would say this is not true at all. They might like currency, but most of the non-TRACOM selectees aren't coming directly from the platform where they are heading to. Even the TRACOM guys will swap around a bit. There was one guy at VT-6 with me that went to S. Field. At one point there were two guys, one VT, one HT, that were going to swap places. I know the VT guy didn't want to switch and common sense prevailed, eventually.

It's not uncommon for new FTS-ers to be or about to become O-4 selects. Interestingly on the two-boards-ago board, there were several '98 HELO selects, which is pretty senior. Apparently PERS just isn't letting anyone go that's junior.


Out to Pasture
In addition to gerater competition for that EP, I'm curious to see how the 8-yr committment affects SELRES/FTS selections. It seems to me from previous selections that currency in an aircraft is one of the factors they look at- eventually very few will be able to go SELRES/FTS right out of a VT or FRS shore tour. I think this changes the landscape of rank structure as well- if you go complete a disassociated first, your FTS guys would for the most part be coming in as O-4 selects.

Good point. We have been discussing this for a few years now with no real solution.

IRT SELRES billets....Returning letterman did always have a leg up due to them being a known quantity with the less overhead piece coming in a strong second. When the SELRES applicant is a shooter somewhere the overhead increases so that part will not be as important on someone's package. The known quantity/quality VT FITREP easily translates to the SELRES board. IMO, letters of rec will become more important and having someone you know on the board will be huge i.e. don't piss off the SELRES when you are there and make an effort to keep in touch while you are gone. The SAU CO will most likely be someone you already know.

IRT FTS....similar to above...Another wrinkle will be the FTS board considering the disassociated tour FITREPS. ALCON, keep in mind, "most qualified" does not mean flight hours and quals. It means best paper. As long as you didn't get in trouble in the plane, it won't matter. The rank distribution thing has always been an issue. The total number of FTS will be the same(ish) it will just be more top heavy with O-4s filling O-1/2/3 spots. The last piece in the rank discussion is the COs needing to figure in the FTS O-4 in the DH billet/ticket punch discussion. In prior years very few of the FTS fell into this catagory. Now most will.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Smitty, I misunderstood...now I see what you meant by disassociated/FTS guys.

IRT FTS....similar to above...Another wrinkle will be the FTS board considering the disassociated tour FITREPS. ALCON, keep in mind, "most qualified" does not mean flight hours and quals. It means best paper. As long as you didn't get in trouble in the plane, it won't matter. The rank distribution thing has always been an issue. The total number of FTS will be the same(ish) it will just be more top heavy with O-4s filling O-1/2/3 spots. The last piece in the rank discussion is the COs needing to figure in the FTS O-4 in the DH billet/ticket punch discussion. In prior years very few of the FTS fell into this catagory. Now most will.

Not arguing your point as it applies to the TRACOM, but it's a TRACOM specific description. On the fleet side, the O-4s have to get the DH punch and it's part of the "process." Since the selection boards are made up of REGNAV guys too, they also try and mirror the communities deployment jobs (OICs, specifically on the helo side).

I don't have experience w/ the jet reserve guys (obviously), but on the helo side, the FTS are the dept heads and don't really fill O-1/2 spots specifically. Sure everyone covers the SLJO jobs, but a lot of that is also picked up by the chiefs. I know -84 (and possibly 85 eventually) is it's own weird animal since they just started having more pilots in the squadron, but historically, that's how the fleet helo side was run.


Out to Pasture
the FTS are the dept heads and don't really fill O-1/2 spots specifically.

I was referring to the FTS manning distribution not specific billets within a command. There is a desired distribution within FTS that is unattainable due to the discussion above. BUPERS basically waives the requirement for the lower ranks and seeks the total end strength number. Rewind to the late 90s and you would see this old school distribution. FTS (then TAR) transitions were allowed pre-MSR. When they changed the rules to say you can only go FTS after your MSR, guys are/were more senior when entering FTS and this situation was created. It is just made worse by the MSR change from 7 to 8 years.

Same page...no worries


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I was referring to the FTS manning distribution not specific billets within a command. There is a desired distribution within FTS that is unattainable due to the discussion above. BUPERS basically waives the requirement for the lower ranks and seeks the total end strength number. Rewind to the late 90s and you would see this old school distribution. FTS (then TAR) transitions were allowed pre-MSR. When they changed the rules to say you can only go FTS after your MSR, guys are/were more senior when entering FTS and this situation was created. It is just made worse by the MSR change from 7 to 8 years.

Same page...no worries

I gotcha. Probably wasn't helping that I was skim reading the site this morning before heading into work.


Well-Known Member
More good discussion- just wait and see how it plays out over the next few years... Thanks for the insight.


House Defense Bill was passed last Wednesday and the Senate just passed their version today. I would anticipate the ACCP NAVADMIN release in the next couple days.

The Chief

Rumor -- Caution.

Just had a conversation with some folks that should know regarding ACCP. As most herein already know, FY10 ACCP for NFO will be 60 % of Pilot ACCP. Further, positive DH select board results looking grim for NFO, longer term.

Anyway, back to the rumor - seems that powers at be are (might) be discussing increasing the Strike Pilot ACCP to $250,000 or even $500,000. Seems Strike Pilot retention is just above 50%. Fuel for the UCAV program arguments?

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
What's all this talk about the "new" 8 year commitment? Hasn't it always been 8? I'm a '00 guy, got winged in '02 and could not have left until this year.