I mean Objectivism as described by the works of Ayn Rand, et al.
Also, see my new comments above regarding the "Simulation Argument."
Also, see my new comments above regarding the "Simulation Argument."
It isn't. Well, not exactly. Read the entire wiki-entry.How is "reality existing independent from consciousness," a self evident axiom?"
I'm guessing you meant "plentitude" here. Anyway, I don't care who disagrees, no matter how many or how educated they might be, if they:Nominalists, neutral monists, physicalists, possibly epiphenomenalists, idealists,reists, and a platitude of others would disagree with that.
If 'perceiving that which exists' is the only necessary and sufficient clause for consciousness then anytime a program receives input (perceiving something that exists) than it has gained consciousness, I think she has made her definition of conciousness way to broad for it to have any value in defining the difference in reaction to stimuli (which is another way of saying that which exists, and the mental states that we take to be 'consciousness' although a panpsycist would say that things we consider to be unconscious have subjective experiences...Consciousness - "Consciousness exists", consciousness "being the faculty of perceiving that which exists." or "to be conscious is to be conscious of something."
Another fault of the relative self-interested morality that Ayn's morality proposes (although this is not a critique of it's internal incoherence) is that under her system it would be immoral for an individual to sacrifice their own life for the life of say a childs... yet in the mish mosh of morality that we have now, that would be an inconceivable situation... To accept Ayn's philosophy (a sort of super capitalism that I shudder at) would be to accept certain principles that run counter to my (and most peoples) systems of morality, not saying the moral system we have right now is corect just that I would have a difficult time with hers.
From the American Heritage Dictionary:If 'perceiving that which exists' ...
A nihilist would say that none of it matters... Many people have had many ideas, many of which are garbage. If it's not an idea that you are espousing, and backing up logically, then I don't see the point in mentioning it.although a panpsycist would say that things we consider to be unconscious have subjective experiences...
So, it's wrong because 1) it's different, and/or 2) it doesn't feel right?in the mish mosh of morality that we have now, that would be an inconceivable situation...
...I would have a difficult time with hers.
Many people have had many ideas, many of which are garbage.
It depends on how you value the person to be saved.
I'd be interested to hear if scoob, phrog, Bogey, and everyone else would be perfectly ok if the USNA Chaplain was a Muslim and conducted mealtime prayers praying to Allah, and saying "Allah akbar" during the prayer... We're not talking just one time... but every meal. Would you feel comfortable? What about a Wiccan leading prayers praying to Mother Earth and different Gods/Goddesses? Would this be ok?
I'm just asking because it seems that the majority always thinks the minority should just let things slide and go with the flow.
I'm not trying to be confrontational (beleive me, I know maybe it comes out that way in my writing... but I'm just not that great penning feelings to paper). I am curious though.