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Admiral Fallon resigns CENTCOM Command


Active Member
A few prior posts hinted at members having direct experience with ADM Fallon during their careers, so: Has anyone on the forum served with ADM Fallon directly?

I interviewed for a position as his driver/assistant years ago when he was CNAF LANT in Norfolk. Never actually got to meet the man, but his Aide (CDR) was not impressed by the way I steered the Admiral's Lincoln with my knee while reaching into my pocket for my ID to show the gate sentry. I didn't get a call back....their loss;)


Fallon as a VP candidate?

VP is a stretch. I could see SecState, though - for either party. Given how McCain has positioned himself as an early proponent of the surge and Fallon's opposition to that surge, them running together on the same ticket would be odd to say the least.


Formerly SNA2007
It really does suck that he felt the need to retire. However it is good to know that there are still officers out there that are willing to stand up for what they believe is ethically and morally right no matter what the consequences.

Also is there any way to be an extremely effective leader without constantly having to cover your own. I feel like to much CYA can also result in poor leadership.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
It really does suck that he felt the need to retire. However it is good to know that there are still officers out there that are willing to stand up for what they believe is ethically and morally right no matter what the consequences.
If what you believe is morally and ethically right requires you to speak out publicly against the stated policies of your Commander in Chief, you retire FIRST, then speak out. Other wise you provide council in private, salute smartly, and carry on. ADM Fallon got it backwords, whether purposely or not.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
A few prior posts hinted at members having direct experience with ADM Fallon during their careers, so: Has anyone on the forum served with ADM Fallon directly?
He followed me out of Combat and all the way to the bridge on the TR as I was going to there to be the GQ OOD when he was CAG. He was talking to me about a Weps load issue when GQ went down. He didn't like me saying "Sorry sir, got to go" and hurrying away. "Come back here!" he yelled and my ignoring him and continuing to the bridge really got under his skin. The Captain's evil eye as he followed me onto the bridge and told the Captain I was ignoring him ended it. He realized he was in the wrong (he apologized to me later).

Flash forward 6-7 years and he is the Deputy CinC for Atlantic Command and I'm up from Southern Command as we are taking over the Caribbean from them. He recognizes me in the brief and jokingly says "You can't run away and ignore my questions this time can you?"


is clara ship
So a little threadjack...

Is that ADM Kelly sitting next to ADM Fallon in the readyroom pic they included in the article?


Stratfor is reporting that it was the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan that led to the Admirals' resignation, and they believe the top two individuals to replace him are Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis and Petraeu.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
So a little threadjack...

Is that ADM Kelly sitting next to ADM Fallon in the readyroom pic they included in the article?

...and a nice "side by side" comparison shot of Fallon in the old-style nylon WEP flight jacket and Lewis in the Nomex green flight jacket...


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Too bad for Max Boot then, I would trust a 41 year veteran of the Navy than some talking head whose experience with the military and war comes from books.
He makes some awefully good points. Especially when you read the Esquire peice and keep in mind that we're talking about a COCOM, not an Embassador. Though these days, those lines have become pretty blurry now that we have PRTs, PolMil, MCAG and all that other not-quite-warfighting stuff going on. I guess its not only the folks on the front lines (DoD, DoS, and NGO) running into problems due to the lack of separation.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
A few prior posts hinted at members having direct experience with ADM Fallon during their careers, so: Has anyone on the forum served with ADM Fallon directly?

I worked directly for him in 1994 when he was selected for Admiral and given lead for annual OPNAV wargame. Since he didn't rate an aide yet, I was assigned to accompany him to Newport in that role. Got to see how his brain works up close and was impressed without qualification. He was a quick study and not afraid to ask why a certain process or decision was in play. He simply doesn't accept status quo without good reason and worked me hard making phonecalls back to NAVAIR and elsewhere for info. I've followed his career ever since and have not been surprised to see him make four stars so quickly and then get multiple four star assignments.


Super Moderator
He makes some awefully good points. Especially when you read the Esquire peice and keep in mind that we're talking about a COCOM, not an Embassador. Though these days, those lines have become pretty blurry now that we have PRTs, PolMil, MCAG and all that other not-quite-warfighting stuff going on. I guess its not only the folks on the front lines (DoD, DoS, and NGO) running into problems due to the lack of separation.

Part of my point is that the Esquire piece only gave a small window into what ADM Fallon did as CENTCOM commander, and I imagine his views as well. I would not be surprised if the author of the article cherry-picked the statements in the article from numerous ones that Fallon made to him over a period of time. The responsibilites of a COCOM commander have expended greatly, and ADM Fallon was just doing his job, whether Boot likes it or not.

Just because some idealouge, which Boot is, doesn't like how a military commander is doing things then fine. But with so little first-hand experience with the military and the region, and a political axe to grind, I give him little credibility.