New Member
Don't eff with the OSOs. They're trainied to do their thing, and they're good at it, but you're not their thing. Don't waste their time.
Here is the link to the horses mouth. If the AF doesn't speak USMTF then consider this your first test in it. The good stuff starts in paragraph 3. Points of Contact are at the bottom. Those are the people you ask your questions to. Don't ask OSOs, don't ask AF guys at your command (because you're about to make some enemies no matter what), and don't ask strangers on the internet.
Dawgpoundfa just did a successful USA to USN IST. He also looked into the Marine Corps. He'll be able to tell to you the good, bad, and ugly if you PM him. Be careful though, he's an angry drunk.
Thanks for the info. I wasn't trying to imply that the OSO was jacking me around, he was just my first contact with this and the info I was presented didn't make much sense.