Dude, don't make your decision based on some rah-rah "slit 'em with a K-Bar" image.
Being a Marine sucks a lot of the time.
You will deploy a lot to places that aren't great, you WILL miss a lot of family time.
The base facilities on Marine Corps installations aren't nearly as nice as on an Air Force installation.
When you ARE stationed stateside, you will probably be working longer hours, because in addition to being a pilot, you will have a collateral duty as well. You will have Marines that work for you that you have to take care of. If you aren't a pilot, it's the same story. The Marine Corps has the highest Enlisted per Officer ratio (the Air Force, the lowest), so you will invariably have a lot of Marines under your charge.
Finally, you have to pay a price for who you are. The Marine Corps has an image to uphold, and you are constantly reminded of that. There are a lot of mickey mouse "image" regulations. (Although, I have heard that the AF has a lot more mickey mouse operational regulations, so pick your poison I guess)
Bottom line, it is easy to sit at your computer with a beer and think that you would love being miserable in some shiat hole. Make sure when you really are in that shiat hole 5 years from now, it's because of something you really want, not because you are trying to impress someone with your rah-rah gung-ho mentality.
Edit: BTW, I am a Marine and I would become a civilian before I would put on another branches uniform.